Saturday, May 14, 2005

Achtung Baby! – Track #4

One of my happily married friends has the hots for another man.

I know you’re thinking,

“Wait a minute. Wait a minute. You have friends?”

But seriously folks.

This came as quite a shock. I thought only unhappily married people felt the urge to stray. This married friend, let’s call her Emma, isn’t bored, frustrated or even looking for some strange.

What’s the deal? That’s what Emma would like to know.

She says she won’t act on her feelings and I believe her. First of all, she’s fairly religious and believes that “to forsake all others as long as you both shall live” was a vow made before God and the world. She’s a woman of her word. She also loves her husband and can’t imagine lying naked with anyone else.

Still. It’s freaking her out. This is the first time since her wedding several years ago that she is thinking, dreaming, fantasizing about someone other than her husband or Brad Pitt.

“If I were single, he’s not the type I’d even go after,” she told me one afternoon over drinks.

(Okay, I don’t drink in the afternoon unless it’s alone, in my closet, while on the verge of a nervous breakdown. But I don’t want to give her away. Or piss her off.)

“This is the other man we’re talking about, huh?” I asked. “Why isn’t he your type?”

“I like the Red Sox, he loves the Yankees.”

“Say no more.”

“Seriously, he doesn’t even go to church. He has a wife of his own. He’s grumpy and yells at the television when his team loses. Scares the shit out of his dog.”

“Something must get you all hot and bothered.”

“He’s smart and funny.”

“Now we’re getting to it.”

“We have some intense conversations and connect, that’s all I know. I try to keep my distance but it’s hard. He has a wonderful smile and turns me on. I’m an awful woman!”

I said the obligatory, “No you’re not” while wishing I knew an old, married woman who might be of help to her guilty conscience. Then I remembered I’m an old married woman.

“I worked with this guy in Boston,” I said, “who was happily married, sensitive and sweet. He and his wife even adopted a Chinese baby. I liked him for all those reasons and the fact that he resembled Greg Brady during the Hawaii years. His last name was actually Dangler, I kid you not. Anyhoo, we would discuss all kinds of personal matters and he’d talk about sex dreams featuring co-workers, including me, in starring roles. A few times, I thought about him in the biblical sense. Turned out it was just a phase and eventually passed. I’m sure this will pass, too.”

Long pause.

“That’s your big advice?” Emma asked.

“Emma, don’t be a bitch,” I said. “My point is this: It’s okay to drool over men you are not married to, whether it’s Brad Pitt (yuck), Jason Lee (yummy) or a guy at work. You can’t commit adultery with your heart or head, okay? No matter what Jimmy Carter says.”

“I suppose you’re right,” she said, still not sold on the idea.

“Would you be angry if your husband pretended he was f*cking Angelina Jolie instead of you every once in a while?”

“I guess not.”

“What if he flirted with his new secretary and it made him feel attractive and desirable? Is that so bad?”


“Feelings aren’t right or wrong as long as you behave yourself. Not every infatuation has to turn into an Adrian Lyne film.”

Emma sighed. I continued.

“Relationships aren’t impressive while the skies are sunny and neither is fidelity without temptation. It’s good to meet someone who stirs up your juices because it shows you have strength not to tear off his clothes and go at it right there no matter how much you’d like to. So don’t worry and enjoy the fantasy while it lasts.”

Emma smiled.

Can I hear married people in the house say, “Amen”?


At 5/14/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dan, hhmm??? Interesting that you remember that and I only remember that he
went to Mexico for acupuncture to cure his back pain. He was a little
'too sensitive' for my thought Greg Brady...I thought Richard
Simmons! Who knew?

At 5/15/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 5/15/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Mary really Dan? Jo-Love thinks he's a Mary, and then bango! "Mary" posts a comment. Coincky Dinky? I think not!

At 5/15/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, before a lawsuit happens, I'm going to clarify. NO ONE is saying Dan's gay. Also, he was tall and thin. So how can he resemble Richard Simmons? Stop trying to ruin the memory...:-)

At 5/15/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had the same thing happen to me with Marc (back in the 90's) until I realized how fertile he was. That fantasy ended as quick as Kevin Brown's career is ending this season.

At 5/15/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I firmly believe that thoughts do not equal action. We all have thoughts that we do not act on. It is perfectly normal. What would life be like without a few juicy fantasies every now and then --boring!

At 5/15/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's hot!

At 5/15/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that is hot!

At 5/16/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you were right on the money. What separates us from the animals is our ability to not act on our impulses (OK, except maybe when we're in college...).

At 5/16/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Moonbeam, I never knew you had these feelings for me. You shouldn't have gone through the trouble of making up that scenario. I am sure deep down, Marc really knows whose letter jacket you really would like to wear. You should have been open and honest with me instead of letting me read it here on the gossip heap you call a website. Call me soon for afternoon drinks!! ;)

At 5/16/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Darling Chris,

You don't like the Yankees or own a dog. Try again...

At 5/16/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Truth is that I'm actually the "happily married friend", and my crush is on YOU. Every single day I sit on the bed and touch myself thusly as Katie painstakingly details every conversation she has with you, patiently telling me a gentle "No" when I ask if you've inquired about me. Oh for me to be the one who hung out with you at O'Brien's on St. Paddy's Day! Love me Chris, LOVE ME.

If Chris isn't available, could you forward this to Jim?

At 5/16/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Achtung Baby Track #4. Almost as much as I love my panic attacks

At 5/16/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You Loved Dan Dangler! Oh, Catherine.

At 5/16/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

some of youse guys here are messed up in the head..."thusly"...? Who talks like that?

At 5/16/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I gotsta say KT, I feel like an unimaginable weight has been lifted from my smooth, handsome, muscular back since you outed your feelings for me. See you at Skippers later?

At 5/16/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please , it is absolutely normal to be attracted to someone's healthy. If your friend contemplates acting on it she needs to look a little deeper and figure out what's up with her and the hubster preferably before she acts on it. You gave her great advice. If he is a Yankee fan I'm still confused as to how she could be the least attracted to him however.

At 5/16/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every married woman thinks about it. No man on God's green earth is soooo mortally "perfect" that they can dub themselves as "the whole package". Neither can women. Which is why men (for whatever fuc***-up notion) fantasize about Pamela Anderson and Paris Hilton. Why does "fantasy" all of a sudden become tabu if it's about Joe Schmo? Funny, had it actually BEEN about Brad Pitt, Orlando Bloom or Harry Connick Jr. (in my case) it's a funny and whimsical conversation during a dinner out with another couple and not a reason for therapy. Every married couple has their "list". We all know the one I'm speaking of. The hypothetical and "never gonna happen" list of people, given the chance, we could sleep with and NOT deal with the recourse. This alone, I asked my husband to name 3 women he would chose on HIS "list":
#1 - me.
#2 - me.
#3 - me.
(good boy).

At 5/16/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...


My list:

1. That chick from that one show where all the problems get solved before the last commercial break
2. Cat
3. Harry Connick, Jr.

Please TALK TO ME, even if it's for five minutes. I beg you.

At 5/17/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, 20 comments.

of course, there was no lunch and there is no "friend"

katie's got somethin' cookin' on the side.

I mean, it's been 10 years.

At 5/17/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alexis - I didn't LOVE Dan Dangler, it was a crush - a simple crush! :-)

Cathy - The list! Mine has changed - Tim Roth no longer makes the cut.

#1 - Chris Cornell
#2 - Jack Black
#3 - Clive Owen/Colin Firth
#4 - Jason Lee
#5 - too many to choose from

Matthew - We all have to get together!! :-)

At 5/17/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...


we want a recount, micki ficki

At 5/17/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kate's "list" from 1985:

#1 - The entire cast from "Rocky Horror Picture Show"
#2 - Corey Feldman
#3 - Pope John Paul II
#4 - John Taylor
#5 - Ronald Reagan
#6 - Paul Reubens

At 5/17/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To: The Truth - what? did you get a copy of my diary and decide to reveal the REALLY embarrassing stuff? My response -
#1 - Yes, secretly loved the maid
#2 - he was hot in Goonies
#3 - SIN! SIN! SIN!
#4 - liked Andy more
#5 - old Republicans? more Becky's taste
#6 - HOT! HOT! HOT!

At 5/18/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All this rubbish. Get back to real issues - politics, economics, judicial nominee issues. Good grief, did you go to college and decide to write about your '80's diary? I think not. You're heading for an intellectual crisis if you don't get back on track.

At 5/19/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad Noreen figured out how to use the comments section. This weekend I will get to Newsweek, filibusters, and other signs of the apocalypse.

At 5/19/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Straight up, if I could do my wedding over again, the part before the divorce, I'd ask Noreen to be my Best Woman. Honestly, I blame Mikey for things not working out anyway.


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