Sunday, July 31, 2005


There is a conspiracy out there to 1) freak out expectant moms and 2) make them feel as ugly as possible.

I am not yet an expectant mom. We’ll start trying next month, which means I’m preparing my womb and refraining from anything that may produce gills on a fetus. Six years ago, when conceiving our twin sons, the List of Gill-Producing Toxins was a short one: no booze or caffeine. Today our list is longer than Dumbya’s Made-Up Words.

  • Alcohol, drugs, or over-the-counter medication. That means – meditate your way through the headache, b*tch. And quit complaining.
  • Caffeine, including chocolate. Yes, Butterfingers count.
  • All wet cheese. Just say “no” to feta, goat, blue, gorgonzola, or Jim Carrey movies.
  • Phthalates, which are found in make-up, nail polish, and plastic toys. That means put down the vibrator and slowly back away.
  • Mercury, commonly found in fish. God love the tuna. First dolphins, now this.
  • Holistic meds such as St. John’s Wort, Ginseng, or Echinacea. Isolate yourself like Willy Wonka, girls, ‘cause ain’t nothing going to help a runny nose or lack of energy. You’re on your own.
  • Neil Diamond records. ‘Nuff said.
  • Drunk, obnoxious co-workers who poke you in the shoulder at office parties and demand answers to questions like, “Who the f*ck do you think you are?” It just raises your blood pressure. Think happy thoughts and walk away, tough girl.
  • Green tea. Apparently cancer-fighting antioxidants lower folic acid levels. Unless you want a kid with lips like Joaquin Phoenix, sip bottled water instead.
  • Fox News and talk radio. Giving birth is embarrassing enough; do you really want the kid to arrive cursing about Bill O’Reilly?
  • Aluminum, the main ingredient in anti-perspirant. Feel free to use baking soda instead. Yellow stains under the armpits and smelling like an old refrigerator…that’ll get him in the mood.
  • Hot tubs.

So I can’t relax, drink, or pleasure myself after avoiding people all day with a make-up-free face and polish-free gnarly toes. Fantastic.

My husband refrains from most of this crap as well because his boys are preparing for their own little triathlon. Sperm Training Camp, if you will, and in a few short weeks, they’re going to be swimming for their lives.

Maybe a cup of coffee would do them good.


At 8/01/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can't pleasure yourself after seeing/talking to me? Whatever are you to do?

At 8/01/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uhm, I think this post is classified as TMI. Thanks for the healthy tips, but I don't need the mental picture of your husband's triathletes making "the swim of their lives."

At 8/01/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. C, now you really remind me of my dad.

At 8/01/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

For the love of God, and everything that is holy, must you write about pleasuring yourself and Marc's upcoming "Tadpole" Marathon? That creates such an uncomfortable mental image.

I can't believe you made me vote for this blog.

At 8/01/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Earl, Mr. C, dad, mom, and a coupla nuns who normally LOVE my site: can ya lay off? I gotta be me.

Right now, I'm livid that Bush bypassed the Senate and appointed Bolton to the UN. Despite lying about grand jury testimony, ridiculing the very need for the UN, and his possible involvement in the Plame affair - he's in. Wonder if Lieberman will rush to say he's troubled but confident Bolton's a good man.

Any Democrats scared shitless besides me???? Now Bush is off to the ranch and I'm off to the funny farm.

Let totalitarianism totally begin.

At 8/01/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't get it.

At 8/01/2005, Blogger mcgibfried said...

wait? why can't you pleasure yourself? i missed the medical reasoning for that one.

and trust me, i looked twice.

At 8/01/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No plastics. It's all very sad. I think I may go cry.

At 8/03/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to a doc I just saw on National Geographic ...Caffeine is good for sperm. Makes `em swim faster.
The doc is called "In the Womb" . It's really good.

At 8/04/2005, Blogger Folkgirl said...

Oh, you are brilliantly funny!!

At 8/06/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ridiculous, over worrying paranoia bs. women have been having babes while wearing makeup, drinking coffe, and worse for a long time. not that it's right, but no one is perfect. And the correct term is "soft cheeses" not "wet". suggestion: how about something not annoying and silly next time and more interesting than this babble?

At 8/07/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mom, why are you posting on my site again? Haven't we talked about this????

At 8/11/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the christian debt management

At 8/11/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the...?


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