Wishful Thinking
I know it's confusing, but I'm going to attempt to make sense of our current predicament. For my own peace of mind. Although I'm sure it won't bring me much peace.
Before we went to war in Iraq, Ambassador Joseph Wilson wrote an op-ed piece saying that he was sent to Iraq to find weapons of mass destruction and found none. In retalitation for his honesty, his wife's identity was revealed and her life put in jeopardy. She was an undercover agent for the CIA at the time. Who leaked her identity to the press?
Columnist Robert Novak first reported her name. It's against the law to reveal an undercover agent's identity and so, my first question is, why is Novak free? Judith Miller, reporter for The New York Times, didn't publish the agent's name, yet she's in jail for refusing to name her source for an article she was working on. Another reporter, Matt Cooper for Time, avoided jail because he named his source, with that source's permission. Who was Cooper's source?
Karl Rove. The buffoon in the above picture. Dumbya's right-hand man.
All of a sudden, the White House isn't talking. Dumbya once said that anyone caught leaking such information would be fired. Rove's defense might be that he never leaked her name. He referred to her as "Wilson's wife" working at the CIA in "weapons of mass destruction" issues. My second question: How many CIA agents are married to an ambassador and working wmd issues? That comment alone may have compromised her position and put her life in jeopardy. All because her husband had the nerve to contradict the president's position.
Thank God the Patriot Act is working, folks. Parts of London are in ruins, Bin Laden is still on the loose, soldiers killed in Iraq...and journalists jailed in America.
Land of the free, my ass.
What? No more stories about me?
is that photoshopped?
because if it isn't ... i'll keep the smile.
Considering Dubya promoted Rice to Secretary of State, despite her flawed "intelligence" that led us to war, he'll probably give Rove the Medal Of Freedom. But it would be nice
Considering Dubya promoted Rice to Secretary of State, despite her flawed "intelligence" that led us to war, he'll probably give Rove the Medal Of Freedom. But it would be nice
Considering Dubya promoted Rice to Secretary of State, despite her flawed "intelligence" that led us to war, he'll probably give Rove the Medal Of Freedom. But it would be nice
That's my girl.
Also, I like what Earl had to say (x3). Earl, did you realize that you hit "send" three times? My kind of person.
Obviously I appreciate your opinion and can see that you really don't like K. Rove but...
I think your linking together a whole bunch of things that don't link in your anger towards Dubya. The Patriot Act has nothing to do with what happened in London (fanatical Muslim Londoner's did, nice!). Bin Laden's obviously not running the show anymore (although symbolically it would be nice if we had 'em). And if journalists were being rounded up they'd be knocking down the door at CNN, Time, Newsweek, and your house. That's not probable.
Do you really think Bush/Rove would out a CIA op. cause her husband didnt find what Bush told him to. That's too transparent. Besides she was parading around on the cover of Vanity Fair and out of the field for quite some time.
Don't worry your still free...for now.
Read the article attached to the web page, I'd like to hear your thoughts.
Oh and you can say I told you so If I'm wrong.
Yeah, well it’s pathetic that we impeach one president for lying about cheating on his wife. But this idiot remains in office after he has lied about weapons of mass destruction. One could argue that both lies break the Ten Commandments, however, one lie hurts a few people, while the other kills thousands. Go figure.
Glad to see the snowball is a’ rollin’.
The above dissenter isn't Marc or Sloan because they tend to agree with me despite sarcasm and ridicule. You can't be my dad because you didn't curse - or my father-in-law because you didn't insult me. So your identity must remain a mystery.
You should pick something less conservative than the WSJ Opinion page to cite if you're going to persuade me. The fact remains Mr. Wilson correctly claimed the "uranium in Niger" story was false (he said Iran, not Iraq, may be seeking the stuff) and Mr. Rove outed his wife for political payback.
The Patriot Act is allowing the government to trample on our civil liberties in the name of security. Judith Miller is in jail, but I don't feel any more secure.
That's all I'm saying.
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