Sunday, August 14, 2005

The Blame Game

When problems arise in a government of the people, for the people, and by the people – the blame is often with the people. I’m as guilty as anyone for throwing darts at Dumbya, off earning his title of Most-Vacationing President in US history, or Karl Rove, for turning a former failure/drunk into a two-term president. However, neither of them would be in their current positions without the consent of the governed.

Ohio is literally in a state of shock, having seen more of its young men die in Iraq than any other. My heart goes out to them as they struggle with such a heavy loss. Then I think back to Ohio’s status as swing state in the last election. How many of those grieving today played parts in their own children’s demise? Do they sit at home with their folded flag, proud they exercised their right to vote by continuing the death and destruction of young American soldiers? At least gay men can’t kiss in public! Are they still convinced liberal values are ruining this country? Does Michael Moore really pose a threat? Or are values instilled in our current administration that turn their loved ones into worm food still preferable?

Even those of us who voted with the other side and therefore against this fiasco, aren’t in the clear. We should have done a better job convincing people our answers were better for them and their children.

Speaking of children, I often wonder how my own kids will rebel. All children do it, especially free-thinking and independent children. What will mine choose? I’m often frightened at the possibilities. Husband and I can understand, if not condone, certain youthful indiscretions. What if they go the other way? Shave their heads, join a cult or become soldiers? Don’t get me wrong, I think our military is filled with noble men and women who protect us and make our country strong. I just don’t want my children joining any group promising to obey the President of the United States. Often, his motives are suspect.

That’s why my heart also goes out to Cindy Sheehan. She was against the war and her son signed up and went anyway. He came home in a casket. Now she is camped outside Bush’s Crawford, Texas ranch protesting the war and demanding an audience with the man himself. While I agree she has a right to be there and, with her supporters’ help, she is asking legitimate questions, I think she is pointed in the wrong direction.

Obviously Bush cannot be swayed. His assistant chief of staff leaked information putting a CIA operative’s life at risk for political retaliation and, yet, Rove continues to work in the White House. Our Congress had serious questions about Bush’s nominee to the UN and he refused to supply the answers, then by-passed Congress altogether by handing Bolton the job. Bush continues to insist the “struggle against global extremism” is working despite all evidence to the contrary. He’s not going to pull over alongside Cindy Sheehan, chat her up, and then pull troops out of Iraq.

Cindy’s real struggle is in convincing the American people to get behind the anti-war movement. No offense to my friends in Birks, but hippies do not attract middle America. Even the grieving mothers in Ohio look at all those dreadlocks and wrinkle their noses. We have to get those mothers on our side. We need to convince our countrymen and women that the answer to lies, fear, and destitution isn’t “more of the same”.

These people have lost so much they almost have nowhere else to turn. If we don’t reach them this time, we’ll have no one to blame but ourselves.


At 8/15/2005, Blogger MitchRobinsonAces said...

This time I don't have any trite rejoinders.

Keep it up, girl

At 8/15/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's b/c you used us all up at last weekend's bluegrass festival.

At 8/15/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, excellent post. very, very well said.

At 8/15/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

with three and a half years left in his second term, Bush
has already spent more than 319 days on vacation — almost 20 percent
of his time in office. (Ronald Reagan, who holds the record for most
presidential vacation days, spent 335 days away from work over 8

At 8/15/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't get it.

At 8/16/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's it? That's all you've got for me?

At 8/16/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We should have done a better job convincing people our answers were better for them and their children.

The problem is your side doesn't have any answers. Even moderates who would, if they could, vote for you are not willing to because your (democrats) official plan is anti bush. Whatever he is doing, you wouldn't do. That's not a plan and it's not an answer.

His assistant chief of staff leaked information putting a CIA operative’s life at risk for political retaliation...

You know this is not true and yet you continue to propagate this lie. Rove never outed Plame, Wilson or anybody else. He was asked about a story circulating around DC and he responded that he had heard something about it. That's it. Wilson outed himself and his wife years before anybody knew who he was.

And with regard to Plame's life being at risk, unless you are talking about the high murder rate in DC or gang related activity or the rise of drug use in the DC suburbs, it is a gross exaggeration to imply she was ever at risk of losing her life. And if she was, she can blame herself for sending her husband to Niger in the first place, then him for being a liar.

Your right about liberals having no one to blame but themselves. Blaming other people is really the only thing they are good at.

At 8/17/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. C: You know damn well that us liberal women are also good at practicing witchcraft, killing babies, and becoming lesbians. That's gotta count for something you know.

At 8/18/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sometimes i think you libs are as nuts and they say you are


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