Think Global, Act Local
Governor Bush now supports off-shore oil drilling. While I’d love to use this issue against him if he tries to follow big brother's footsteps in 2008, Floridians should fight against this today. Swimming amidst hairy, three-hundred pound tourists is frightening enough – who wants to clean oil residue out of the kid's hair afterward?
Jeb also thinks the permit process for nuclear power plants should be a whole lot easier.
“I do believe we need to look at our permitting process for nuclear power. I think it is the safest, cheapest form of energy and provides the most stability that exists with current technologies.”
I doubt Jeb would want the plant in his backyard. Progress Energy may have a new facility in Citrus County by the year 2015, if not sooner. (Fingers crossed!) That’s a mere eighty miles from Tampa, folks. God bless the rural voter; he's about to get rewarded for supporting the Republican party.
Just when I'm about ready to hightail it out of here, a rumor began circulating that strange creatures have been spotted in Pasco County. No, I'm not talking about Rednecks Who've Read Tolstoy - although they're getting an invite to my next barbeque.
I'm talking about Democrats.
If you're a progressive thinker and living in my neck of the woods, take heart. You are not alone. Come out and introduce yourself next Monday, October 24th from 7-8pm at the Land O' Lakes Recreation Center and rally behind Jim Davis. We need all the help we can get.
Let's do something, peeps. Or bundle up now. Nuclear winters are supposed to be frigid.
Just to clear up something about nuclear power. The newest reactors built today run on safety systems that are powered by gravity. So unless you are worried that gravity might fail, there is little worry about melt-downs and the like anymore.
The disposal problem still remains. And we must have a good solution for that soon.
And, they say that with all of the safety systems in place at a nuclear power plant the leaked radiation is *less* that what you're likely to receive from being near a COAL fired power plant.
As a society, we need to get out of the 1970's/1980's nuclear power mentality and realize that nuclear is a decent interim step to hydrocarbon independence. - Info about new reactor technology. (From Australia)
Also, France, Belgium, and Sweden are among the world's leaders in nuclear generation (based on percentage).
Just google "nuclear power gravity" or "nuclear power safety" and you'll find plenty of articles (both from the industry and independently produced) that talk about how the newest reactors are safe.
I don't believe "industry experts" over environmental protection groups. Nuclear power may be better than coal, but that ain't saying much.
I tell you what - build these plants off Bayshore or in one of those high priced buildings downtown and then I'll support it. Put it off in the middle of Poor Town, USA - then it's suspect. Period. Oh, and solve that pesky disposal problem.
Disposal? Hold on a sec.... haven't we figured out how to send something to Mars? Sure, they may have 'small' life forms, but why not? We dump grabage in our water, land and sky... may as well deliver it to our sister planets.
Woops... sorry ... the Republicans are rubbing off on me.
MILF, indeed.
good response, Kate. POW POW!
I'm telling you, Bob, you ain't seen nothin' till you've seen me belt out "Criminal" at Karaoke Nite half-tanked on tequila shots. Oh, to be young again...
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