Saturday, December 03, 2005

Checkin' it Twice

Progressives on your shopping list? Here are gift ideas to mull over:

--An official Countdown Calender for everyone counting the days until we boot Republicans from office.

--At your next dinner party, whip out this board game to enlighten and enrage. Don't worry about depression - pass the martinis!

--Al Franken's new book: The Truth. I can't put it down.

--Are you a fan of the Tampa Bay area? Why not support a local blogger with t-shirt, coffee mug, or thong. Upside: Even conservatives love Tommy's site. Added bonus: I'm a contributor so the promotion helps us all.

At any rate, when buying products, choose companies that put their money to good use. During this important time of year, why not vote your values with your wallet? Let progressive-minded companies know you appreciate their liberal lean.


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