Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Hear This

Commissioner Kathy Castor wrote an excellent op-ed piece last week about the need for developers to have schools in place before new subdivisions are built. Local schools are overcrowded and bursting at the seams. This county’s growth plan allows the Hillsborough County Commission to delay new projects until classroom space is available and it’s time the commission started utilizing such a provision.

I wrote about this subject for Sticks of Fire.

Today, The Tampa Tribune printed my editorial in praise of Commissioner Castor’s commentary. Read it here. (Scroll down a bit to "Schools and Growth".)

Let’s hope the rest of the Kathy's colleagues are listening.


At 12/07/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm suspicious of any city/town with the word "New" before it. What's wrong with "Old Tampa". They should just call New Tampa, White Tampa and save everyone the guesswork. Unfortunately, Florida has always suffered from irresponsible growth and always will. It's rather sad. They should have taken a cue from Oregon, declared the entire gulf coast a state park and called it a day. Then sealed the north border allowing in only a handful of retiree's a year. And stop cutting down all the live oaks, replacing them with palms...ughh. Now I'm depressed. Florida I love you but you make me crazy...I know this had nothing to do with classroom size but maybe it does.

At 12/07/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great idea to delay new projects.

Here's my idea...birth control should be mandatory until you're 25 years old, married, and employed.

At 12/07/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Kathy related to Betty? And I'm with ex floridian up above. Right on to both of you, Kate. :-)

At 12/07/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is in response to exfloridian's comment about New Tampa being "White Tampa". I live in New Tampa. My neighborhood is very diverse. There are several African American and Asian families on my street. Not to mention Hispanic families. Maybe you need to come and see just what type of people live here. There are many different nationalities living in this area.

At 12/07/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

New Tampa is diverse in nationalities, but not in thought. They all seem to be uninterested in their community or unwilling/able to do something about the crap schools and even worse traffic.

I'm sick of them.

And yes, Kathy is Betty's daughter.

At 12/08/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most New Tampans are so me-first, it's disgusting.

They're so shortsighted, they fought expanding Bruce B. Downs and adding more connectors to major thouroughfares. Why? They thought by preventing expansion, it would prevent more people from moving that way. That mentality has led to issues like major congestion on BBD every day and double sessions in most of the schools.

I barely know my neighbors, despite my attempts to get to know them. Hell, I don't even know the names of the two children who live next door to me.

If I could afford a house in the city, I'd move in a heartbeat.

At 12/08/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brett, I am sorry you live in a neighborhood where you don't know your neighbor's names. I happen to live in a very nice neighborhood (as in nice people) in New Tampa and know most of the people on my end of the street by name. I think there are parts of New Tampa that are better than others and it depends on where you live here.

At 12/08/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They might be nice, but who's doing something about the kids being bussed in from 15 miles away and all the awful congestion that comes along with piss poor planning? The two high schools are in rough shape and shouldn't have to be!!!

Organize, nice people, and improve life for your children! You really want them to deal with a gang problem when high school comes? Politicians listen to people who are well-organized and solution-based. Get with the program or your precious real estate value will go down along with school's grades.

At 12/08/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, point taken...what can we do Kate? I really don't know what to do. (hands up in the air)
I send my son to a Magnet school in a not so great neighborhood because that's where he wants to go. I wasn't thrilled about it...but he doesn't seem to mind. I think voting the current BOCC out of office would be a good thing. I don't know how long their term has been. Two years? They keep allowing the building...and that's what's hurting the area.
You seem to be in the know about the political stuff, what can we do to stop the building, build more schools, etc...?

At 12/09/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the answer lies in organization. Like my brother says: Put a crew together. It's that easy and that difficult. I haven't seen a bit of evidence that New Tampa people have any political clout. They've got money, but no time or inclination. When that changes, schools and traffic will improve. Like a miracle! Start putting real pressure on your elected officials and reap the benefits.

No time like the present.


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