Year in Pee-Yoo – National Edition
Highs and lows of 2005:
--It all started Inauguration Day. I sat and cried, wondering why people voted for intolerance and fear. Gay marriage is frightening to people who willingly attend the Blue Collar Comedy Tour? Washington seemed a nightmare come true. Remember the pastor that day who said, "Respecting persons of all faith, I humbly submit this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen." When a Republican refers to everyone, the Protestant male really means everyone with a gold card and cross. How many people bought their boat of lies that day? How many of those same people are now surprised the boat is sinking?
--Donald Rumsfeld and Tom Cruise won the always coveted Please Make Him Go Away award.
--Hurricane Katrina was the real weapon of mass destruction, wiping out an entire region of the country. Didn’t Bush promise security? (I read your promises, your promises are lies.) Then he and his cronies did nothing to help thousands of people suffering in the south; instead, Georgie cried over pal Trent Lott’s mansion. George Bush doesn’t care about black people. Still.
--Quote of the year comes from Momma Bush about Hurricane Katrina survivors: “What I'm hearing, which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay in Texas. Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality. And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this is working very well for them”.
--All the President’s Men: John Bolton, Jack Abramoff, Ken Tomlinson, Tom Delay, Bill Frist, and Scooter Libby. Mr. President, tell me who you go with and I’ll tell you who you are.
--Regarding Terri Schiavo and Republicans who tried desperately to win political points with her death, Jim Davis summed it up perfectly, "I never met anyone with a living will that says at the end of my life call Tom Delay or the Governor."
--We have over two thousand dead Americans due to our Iraq policy. Under-funding for needed supplies and setting forth an ineffective agenda hurts our soldiers overseas, yet neocons went after Murtha, Sheehan and other patriots who dared speak out. And what are soldiers dying for anyway - freedom of speech, an independent press, or privacy rights?
--Karl Rove. ‘Nuff said.
--Cheney beats out hemorrhoids in online poll titled: “Name Bigger Ass-ache."
--Bush and Co. ended the year with Fs and Ds in report card on enacting reforms designed to make us safer, according to the 9/11 Panel. Again, didn’t this president run a campaign promising to keep us safe? The experts say, “Not so much”.
Okay, so it was mostly a list of lows. On a national level, did anything good happen this year? If you work for oil companies, banks, or Halliburton, 2005 was a rockin’ good time. More on that later.
Sorry for the tangent, it's me again. There were two more authors I think you'll really dig: David Sedaris and Sarah Vowell. I read one last month by Sarah - Assassination Vacation. I really think you'll get her brand of humor.
Enjoyed today's blog. The last paragraph in particular.
I've noticed a disturbing trend.
I have yet to find one blog or column from a liberal that actually enjoyed the last year of their life.
Apostle Paul did note that we should be content in all things. If you're single, be happy. If you're married, be happy.
Oh, wait, he's that mysogynistic homophobic pork eater.
I, Jeff Barea, happily declare that I enjoyed the last year of my life. And all those college students across the nation that spend hours on campus reading my publications now have a smile on their faces because life is pretty good for us Americans, even if in ten thousand years the Earth will crash back into the sun.
Okay, I enjoyed that. I'll get around to listing the good that happened in 2005 - it's just taking me a while to come up with something other than a few good albums and a local restaurant opening that serves good sushi. I'm open for suggestions.
Still waiting.
Tho, I must tell you, nothing engages the American mind more than mindless chatter about the best album or restaurant.
Or whining about everything that barely impacts their personal lives.
My suggestion:
Join the peace corps like dozens of my friends have. That way, instead of sitting your heated/a/c'd apartment with running water and microwave, you are actually helping the lives of the people you think the government is screwing over.
And you will be earning my undying respect.
Is that worth your xbox?
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