Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Another Leftie to Love

Yesterday was a rough day for hockey fans. A dark day. A sad day.

Dave Andreychuk has been waived from the Lightning. There is a pit inside my stomach that will not go away. The man who carried this team to a national championship, who dared the rest of us to dream, who whipped younger players into shape...oh, I suppose we still have Martin St. Louis and Fredrik Modin and the rest of them...but it won't be the same.

I can no longer go to a game and search the bench or rink for #25. An era has come to an end.

Ahh, well. I still have the memories. It will have to do.


At 1/11/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

John over at corrected me ever so nicely (hint, Mr. C, hint) that the Stanley Cup championship isn't a national championship but an international one. Or something like that.

I better stick to parenting issues and political discourse from now on.

At 1/12/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, anyway.

So sad, D.A. seemed like a good guy, one some young boys might want to be like one day. That's a rarity in sports. (is that how you spell it?)


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