Katie's Choice
I don’t know and I can’t decide. How can one make such an impossible choice? It’s almost like trying to pick which kid you’ll keep and which you’ll hand over to German soldiers. Sort of. In a way.
Here’s my quandary: Do I keep XM Radio and continue enjoying Mark Riley in the morning and (my absolute favorite) Randi Rhodes in the afternoon OR do I switch with my husband and listen to Sirius and all-time greatest Hunk of Man: Howard Stern?
Air America or The Whack Pack? Randi or Robin? My head hurts from all this thinking.
Choose Sirius. You can listen to Randy Rhodes from 3-6 pm on your computer. airamerica.com.
I will really miss Howard. Did you catch him on Larry King on Thursday night? Great interview!
Do you mostly listen to talk? If you listen to music much, I find XM has a lot more variety than Sirius, particularly music you won't hear on your regular FM dial.
Thanks for the advice. I switched to Sirius and listened to Howard this morning. So nice! I'll try on my airamerica on the computer this afternoon. :-)
We've only had Sirius. My one complaint is that the first car kit we bought is now obsolete! So we couldn't buy the matching home kit to go with it :( I can not BELIEVE I'm now paying for radio. But at least the programming is better than cable, which we pay for, and nothing ever seems to be watchable. Yes, we too were converts for Howard. But you'll find other interesting programs as well. I believe you can pull up the menu online.
that was me above, my daughter was distracting me and I couldn't sign off ;) You know how that goes...
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