Saturday, January 28, 2006

To Life!

Hamas is now part of the political process in so-called Palestine.

SIDE NOTE: I've been accused of converting to Judaism just to have more to rant about. Not true! Everyone knows I converted for the food and free toaster oven. Oh, and because I like to tell Jewish jokes and get away with it.

Seriously, Hamas winning so many votes has Israel nervous, but I believe this is a positive step. Sure, these terrorists are ranting and raving now, but that's easy to do. Wait until they actually have to govern and foreign aid is cut off. They will sing a different tune. Besides, don't misunderstand the voters' intentions over there; they voted against corruption more than voting for homicide bombers. Most people in that region are sick of the fighting and just want to live in peace.

I'd rather Hamas involved than standing on the sidelines playing spoiler. In order for any aid to flow into that area from America or the European Union, Hamas has to denounce violence and recognize Israel's right to exist. This has to happen sooner or later and then real progress will begin.

Surely, another organization will come along to rally the fundie faithful. However, having Hamas as a part of the solution will hopefully retire them as part of the problem. That would be a welcome relief indeed.


At 1/29/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 1/29/2006, Blogger Sarge said...

You really aren't very bright, are you?

At 1/30/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, I visited your site. You make Ann Coulter look enlightened. And I've been known to dazzle people with my brilliance, thankyouverymuch, ...course, they're always drunk at the time...

What are you trying to say?


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