Monday, February 13, 2006

Best News I've Heard All Year

No, not this - although pretty damn close.

This morning at 8am, Jury Duty is on!

I will try my best to look non-judgmental and bored. Oh and to uphold the law and sh*t. Should be a shoo-in. Sometimes jurors get sequestered for months inside a decent hotel with work-out facilities and room service...

Fingers crossed this gig lasts until May and I come out of it with a new boyfriend and six-figure book deal. A girl's gotta dream.


At 2/13/2006, Blogger Addison said...

LOL, the first and ONLY time I was called for jury duty was my fourth semester of college. They asked if I was a student and I said yes....then they asked my major....I said political science and they threw me out.

At 2/13/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha! That's probably because they don't want too many educated jurors. Right? If today is any indication, that trend continues. Personally, I found it hard to believe none of the people around me were never convicted of any felonies. "Come on," I almost said out loud. "Not one?"

Sadly enough, I was sent home early with a "Thank you very much." Back to work tomorrow. *sigh*

At 2/14/2006, Blogger M A F said...

Ah, nothing like a little truth, justice and the American way! What better way to gain fame and notoriety than to write about someone elses tragedy.

Good luck!


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