I Know Something You Don't Know
My children are into secrets.
They whisper and giggle and feel proud when sharing forbidden fruit. Of course, secrets don't stay "kept" for long. My boys soon sing like canaries and usually we all have a good laugh about it. Examples of recent truths uncovered:
- Every Friday morning is Donuts with Daddy. Who knew?
- When spending the night at my parents' house, dessert sometimes comes first.
- During well-checkup #6, my oldest told his pediatrician, "Mommy has tattoos."
- Dougie at school likes to pick his nose.
A classmate's mom sent home an invitation to her child's surprise party (at six years of age?) and I decided the party should remain a surprise for my children, too. That way everyone enjoys the event and no one remembers "those Robinson boys" in a negative way. As they get older, they might get better at keeping that which is private, private. Then again, maybe not. I am the worst - always have been. While growing up, my mom would say,
"Catherine, stop telling me everything."
In recent years, my husband has varied it a little.
"Jeez, Katie, there are some things I don't need to know."
My brother and sister constantly accuse me of oversharing. Feel their pain? I may blab about myself, but lips are sealed when someone else asks me not to tell. I've kept their secrets and yours, too. Even with a blog.
This particular site is like a confessional with postcards sent in anonymously. Read enough of them and it will creep you out. Too many people out there with heavy duty secrets. Sh*t that would keep me up at night.
I wonder if I have any secrets left to share. About myself and no one else. Hmmm, I don't think so. Chances are, if it's private and has anything to do with me, I've shared it with at least one other person. So it's not really a secret anymore...
Wait! There is one thing I've never told anyone. Not even you. It isn't juicy - my best friend and husband have first dibs on those. Just a bit embarrassing; promise not to hold it against me? Okay, here goes:
When a co-worker says something ridiculous, I glance to the side like a camera is there and make a face. Like Jim in The Office or Eddie Murphy in Coming to America. Except, obviously, there really was a camera on them.
And a camera is on me, too. In my mind's eye.
That's all I got. Wanna share something better than that? Go right ahead. I won't tell a soul.
Okay...here goes....I killed me a bar when I was only three. I had to...it was very menacing when it was coming after me. We were down by the crick eating moon pies and drinkin' RC Cola when she happened on us.
I once knew a girl in highschool who worked in a clinic. She used to call and inform me which of our high fa-lootin contemporaries were having abortions. Most popular? Most likely to succeed? More like, Most Likely to Ruin her Uterus.
Ok, here's one, but it's bad...
One year in band camp....
Seriously though once I was soooo hungry and I was broke and forgot my lunch that day. I ate someone elses Hot Pocket out of the employee refridgerator...there I said it.
I feel better now.
Yo, sis, any thoughts on State of the Union? I'm sure we'll be hearing about it, but I'm just sayin....
I voted for Bush. Twice.
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