Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The Last Supper

"I am a bar fly."

Last night, Husband and I had our final date-night before he leaves me for fresh mountain air and country girls who laugh at everything he says. Ahh, the exciting life of a traveling businessman. His fact-finding mission includes determining if life exists in Colorado Springs.

And is it intelligent life or the kind that votes Republican and yells, "I never seen a Jew before" at dinner parties?

I am planning many outings in his absence and look forward to semi-permanent third wheel status on future date-nights with friends. One potentially uncomfortable evening is the premiere of Why We Fight. I've posted about this subject before and will continue to do so in case anyone wants to join me.

Dateless and soliciting for company... high school all over again.


At 2/22/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you saying you need a third wheel? When is this movie?

At 2/22/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, no, no... he's going to Colorado -that's the mid-west! It's the people in the *south* who vote Republican and yell, "I never seen a Jew before" at dinner parties.

At 2/23/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh ok, at the end you said "dateless and soliciting for company. So I thought you needed a date. LOL


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