Let's Bring it Back
I know I’m beginning to sound like a broken record, but indulge me for a moment. After all, this is my site.
The powers that be, use dubious methods to retain such power. Redistricting, fear and smear tactics, and selling out ideals for campaign contributions have all been working to keep incumbents in office and the voting public in the dark. Still. There's no excuse for not paying attention.
What’s it gonna take for you to put down that ding-dong and dial up some empathy and action?
Doctors are now in danger of being arrested for performing abortions. There. That ought to do it.
No? Okay, so the backwoods of South Dakota doesn’t work for you. What about illegal wiretapping? Oh, right. That takes place on the federal level and jeez, you’re wiped out just trying to get through the day-to-day bullsh*t. You can’t be bothered with Dubya and his shenanigans.
How about this? Our dear governor is all into anti-redistricting measures in California (where Dems are in the majority) but calling names at those who support such efforts here in Florida (where, surprise surprise, Republicans enjoy the power).
Still not local enough for you?
What about this – your county commissioners are allowing more developments but won’t raise impact fees for more schools to accommodate such growth. Doesn’t that hit you where it hurts?
Then, for the love of sanity, work with me.
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