Saturday, February 11, 2006

A Moment for Judaism

MTV's idea of a religious spokesperson can be summed up in one word: Madonna. I have no problem with her ideas about Kabbalah, but it rings hollow when held up as a standard. Chasidic women don't expose hair, much less their belly buttons. Then there's that whole tongue-kissing Britney Spears incident.

But, whatever. We don't really go to MTV for a spiritual song. Until now!

Matisyahu (Yiddish pronounciation for Matthew) is a Chasidic Jew from Crown Heights who sounds like an Israeli from Jamaica. I get off on lyrics and his are pretty amazing. Matisyahu is also spotlighted as talent to watch on the aforementioned music television network.

And what's all this - my Beastie Boys are coming out with a movie?

I am so there. Damn right, it was a good shabbat.


At 2/13/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Madonna sux, grow up a little, Material matron, how old are you, behaving like you do? yuck...


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