A Sorry State
This year's State of the Union Address was a snooze-fest with plenty of promises and posturing. I didn't buy Dubya's concern or sincerity for a single second. Once or twice I laughed out loud.
In other words, it was the same old crap from an administration far removed from the concerns of regular Americans.
Yesterday, I listened to Morning Edition on NPR. (My boys are a bit young for Howard Stern.) They aired a segment about folks from New Orleans who are living in a FEMA motorhome while trying to put their wind-and-rain soaked lives back together again. These people were surprised that Dubya's speech didn't spend more than a nano-second on Hurricane Katrina's devastation, his inadequate response, and future plans for rebuilding the region.
One such resident was Holly Hubble, a registered Republican. Holly had never been one to believe the government should involve itself in people's lives. Until now. She changed her tune after her house blew away and wants the federal government to makes things right again.
I gripped the wheel and talked myself out of a meltdown.
Would Holly rant and rave against her president if she wasn't living like white trash in a trailer? No way in hell. She'd cluck her tongue and perhaps say a prayer or two for those unfortunate Negroes before lecturing liberals about how it's not the government's responsibility to come in and fix everything. No, no, no. The people need to get up, brush themselves off, and solve their own problems. With Jesus' help. They should have saved instead of spending all that money on shoes! They should rely on family! They should rely on someone other than the government! Can't you hear her southern accent? "God bless!"
When Republicans face real issues they become real people. A gay child can convince an otherwise hateful man to rethink constitutional discrimination. Cancer hits close to home and all of a sudden health care is a right, not a privilege, and let's get us some stem cells but quick! Holly didn't feel anyone else's pain. Only her own. I'm sure there's a whole town full of people who are angry that they've worked hard their whole lives, paid taxes, and prayed at church every Sunday. They're wondering, "Where's God and Dubya when I need them?" They feel no concern for anyone other than themselves and are pissed their government has forsaken them.
Welcome to our world, Holly.
God bless!
My favorite parts of the speech:
1. "America is addicted to oil, which is often imported from unstable parts of the world."
That is like my bartender telling me I'm an alcoholic.
2. "Tonight I ask you to pass legislation to prohibit the most egregious abuses of medical research -- human cloning in all its forms -- creating or implanting embryos for experiments, creating human-animal hybrids and buying, selling, or patenting human embryos."
WTF? Human-animal hybrids?! Can I get a dog that sings like Elton John? That would be cool.
Good points all the way around. And I agree with the comment about human-animal hybrids...ha ha...our fearless leader is always focusing on the important issues. Meanwhile, at least he locked in the support of those middle aged men still living at home with tin foil on their heads.
I agree, Bush’s speech was very dry and without real substance or solutions. It was like going to the pep-rally of a loosing team –“it’s okay guys, we suck… but we’ll pull out of it… let’s focus on our great school spirit instead!”
And yet, maybe we should. Apparently the ‘terrorists’ in Iran are using our general dislike of the current president to their advantage by encouraging people to join up with them, ‘look, Americans don’t even like their president …why should we like America?’
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