Sticks and Stones
My youngest son came home from school yesterday and said,
"Robbie called me 'Buttchews'."
I sort of laughed because - what the hell is a buttchew? (Of course, it could have been "Buttshoes". I didn't ask him to spell it.)
He looked sad and said, "I don't think it's very nice to laugh, Mommy. I wouldn't laugh if someone called you a bad name."
My eyes filled up with tears immediately. My son. He rocks with the guilt.
"I'm not laughing at you, sweetie," I said. "I just can't believe someone would use such a word. It's a ridiculous word, don't you think?"
He smiled a little and we discussed how Robbie has probably been called a buttchew and felt sad about it and wants everyone else to feel sad, too. My oldest added that we should just feel sorry for Robbie and ignore bad names from now on. Psychology for Kindergartners 101.
F'in Robbie....
What names did you throw about as a kid? I remember fellow classmates tossing one or two "stupidheads" my way. Personally, I liked the classics. Thanks to cable, I was the only elementary school student in Buffalo who regularly referred to other children as '*ssholes' and 'f*ckups'.
Charmed, I'm sure.
you sure it wasn't buttjews?
I seem to remember that "cooties" was big when I was a kid.
Also, buthead, and the old standby - d#$khead.
I had 3 older brothers, so the last two were used on me quite a bit.
I still feel bad for my little brother. Man, the torture that I put him through after my older brothers picked on me.
My younger brother is taller than I am now, he's lean and muscular. He'd likely give me a hell of a fight if he wanted to.
Lucky for me he's a forgiving soul :)
buttchew! that's priceless
I think ButtChews might be some kind of candy you can get down at The Todd on Nebraska Ave.
Is Joel equating "buttchews" with tukkuslingus? If so, I think I'm gonna go upstairs and get some buttchews
buttchew is the new assmunch
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