Saturday, March 25, 2006

Sorry Charlie

This post is not directed at wingnuts who believe all abortion is murder and should therefore be outlawed, women jailed and doctors killed. In other words, I am not speaking to possible future neighbors in the foothills of Colorado Springs. Yes, you with the Jesus bumperstickers and lifelong membership to Focus on the Family. So not a fan.

I'm talking to the majority of Americans who believe the governor of South Dakota went too far. Way too far.

Charlie Crist, the man with the tan, would sign such a law in Florida. That's right. Crist would approve a bill that bans all abortion, including cases of rape and incest, despite the fact that such a law is unconstitutional. Shouldn't surprise anyone because Republicans are proving themselves to be above that piece of paper when it suits them. They will say just about anything to get elected. This time, Crist put himself firmly in the camp of the crazies and hopefully moderates that make up most of the state are paying attention.

I'm a bit surprised Crist isn't listening to party leaders and laying off the anti-abortion rhetoric. Get ready. Even the GOP faithful are anticipating a backlash against what more and more Americans are perceiving as extremist views.

I'd rather a governor who takes us into the future and away from fundie politics. Do you know anyone who wants to turn Florida into South Dakota? Besides Charlie Crist, that is.


At 3/26/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info, Mike. Further proof we don't need either one in Tally. :-)

At 3/26/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh man, I *really* hope Charlie Christ doesn’t come *close* to becoming the next governor. –yipes!

At 3/26/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh..woops.. typo... make that, Charlie Crist. (sorry)

At 3/27/2006, Blogger L said...

several other states are currently trying to follow SD's lead. I think it's an Ohio legislator that is now trying to introduce a bill to ban abortion in ALL circumstances --even to save the life of the mother

At 3/28/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike (only): Your Mother.

At 3/29/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find it hard to believe such a one-issue candidacy will attract the voters and attention needed to be taken seriously.

Good luck with that.


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