Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Help Needed - STAT

Becky is a nurse. Well, she's many other things as well - lifelong friend, confidante, catalog shopper and sex kitten. Because her husband has more money than God, Becky can afford to work in white only two days out of each month. Three, tops. Still, she eventually comes down the mountain to wipe the ass of a cancer patient and I applaud her. My girl - keepin' it real.

Beck has spent the better part of over two decades applauding my every decision, even bad ones, and has never really asked for anything in return until now. (I don't count hexes on exes.) So how could I refuse? Especially since she's been cooking dinner for my husband every night for the past two and a half months. And I use the term "cooking" loosely...

This is the favor - rally my readers behind HR 676. What is HR 676? Glad you asked: this bill would create affordable health care for all Americans. In addition, universal healthcare would stop the ever-rising costs, stop insurance companies from denying treatments and stop them from telling doctors what can and cannot be done. People of all socio-economic groups would be able to afford doctor's visits and millions of children wouldn't have to suffer or die waiting for treatment. At last - something real pro-lifers can get behind.

Wanna know what's wrong with education? Talk to teachers or listen to me. Wanna fix healthcare? Talk to nurses and other healthcare professionals. They are the ones in the trenches and even though our current administration frowns upon expert opinion, the rest of us still value it. Right?

I give Becky a hard time. I kid because I love. She has been a nurse for years, caring for sick patients and counseling family members, before finally marrying up. And she continues to give time and effort so that suffering across the board is alleviated.

Get behind Becky and all our heroes in healthcare. Contact your representatives and tell them you support universal healthcare.


At 5/23/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great thing to get behind. But I refuse to get behind the idea that she's been cooking dinner for the last two and a half months. Refuse.

At 5/23/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't see why the top 5% of income earners should have a "health" tax imposed on them to foot the bill for this. Besides that, it's proposed to create two MORE taxes to pay for the bill. There has to be a better way to fund the program. I know Romney in Massachusetts has done it somehow but I don't know all the details. I'm not against the bill in its' entirety, but I'm not real excited about the proposed funding. Also, Bush's tax cuts are helping the economy so I don't think repealing them is a very good idea.

I will give kudos to Conyers however; someone on the left is finally trying to do something productive. Kate, thanks to you, for being a teacher, and to your friend with God's money; thank you both for working in fields that I'm sure are ungrateful at times. I mean that sincerely.

At 5/23/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, H. Look - we pay one way or another. As a society, we have a vested interest in a healthy and well-educated population. Look at it as an investment. That ought to work, right?

At 5/23/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If we, as a society have an interest, then we, as a society, should pay, not just the top 5%. It would be a LITTLE different if Conyers is in that top percent; he'd be setting an example by stepping up to the plate. I doubt, however, that he, nor any other politician from either side, will create a tax that will affect them and not everyone.

At 5/23/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those people in the top 5% would pay less in health care costs for their employees. Obviously I agree with repealing the Bush tax cuts, but that's a different discussion.

It is not a burden for the richest people in our country to pay a bit more in certain taxes. They especially have a vested interest in keeping the have-nots around them in decent shape.

Hating the poor or (even worse) not caring enough about them will only widen the gap and sow seeds of resentment. Resentment that will eventually seep into your precious gated communities.

You neocons gripe about liberals' lack of solutions. Well here is a proposed solution and we ought to give it a try. Too many *living* children are dying due to inadequate health care and it needs to stop. Now.

Yes, poor people should have less children. However, we all know that as people become better educated and are able to climb up the socio-economic ladder, only then do they have LESS children. Keeping them down doesn't help anyone. Including ourselves.

At 5/23/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

f*ck the top 5%! why are we always defending the rich?

At 5/23/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

But listening to health care workers and teachers when making legislation about health care and education would require that the politicians take their heads out of the asses of the people bribing them for a minute. So I doubt that will happen. But we can dream right?

At 5/24/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem that saddens me most is that most people don't find this a problem until a family member or they themselves are in the hospital receiving substandard care. Most likely it's due to understaffing (since - let's face it - insurance companies run the hospitals). Our healthcare system is in crisis, and only getting worse! Proactive folks who want to enforce change can go to www.healthcare-now.org and find out where to go in your state to rally for HR 676! Thanks for the platform, Kate!

(Amishav, my NEXT favor to ask of Kate is to push Clean Money elections...stay tuned!)


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