Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Hey you, loyal reader from Zephyrhills. Can I talk to you for a moment?

First of all, put down the Busch beer, it's not quite noon. Focus, Erma.
Ronda Storms wants to be your next state Senator. Never heard of her? Okay, she's that crazy b*tch from Hillsborough County who bullies and threatens her way through life, harassing gay people and starting fights with other commissioners. Oops, did I say "gay"?

Oh, your favorite cousin Pete is gay. Fantastic.

Anyway, Ronda is a bit of an embarrassment and now wants a promotion to represent you in Tallahassee. We already have enough to be embarrassed about here, don't we? I mean, remember what's-his-name with the tractor and addiction to...

Yoo-hoo! Turn off Price is Right and listen to me, Erma. I'll only take a second.

This Saturday, May 6, join your neighbors at the Publix on 301 in Zephyrhills to sign and gather signatures for Steve Gorham, the only Democrat running for this Senate seat. If we collect enough signatures, Gorham can bypass the filing fee of $10,000 and instead use that money to campaign.

Not everyone is as open-minded as you are, Erma. You and Cousin Pete, that is. So let's do the whole "sitting in a lawn chair and yelling at neighborhood kids" routine another weekend. This Saturday get your one good tooth and powers of persuasion in gear.

We need your help.


At 5/03/2006, Blogger What's so funny? said...

I love me some rednex jokes. I have to find a way to insert Erma into my recent blog entry. Git yur 1 good toof and your green stamps adn git on down to Publix, Erma.

At 5/03/2006, Blogger Lofty said...

Isn't it interesting how many veterans like Steve Gorham are running as Democrats? The Republicans have grossly "misunderestimated" where the military rank and file stands, not only on the war but on social issues as well, and they're about to get a learnin' this election cycle. Erma's gay cousin is also likely to be Sergeant Bubba's uncle.

At 5/03/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Florida Dems can get their act together, the '06 elections are ours to lose.

At 5/03/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

John you are the best. I'd like to think that the campaign got this all figured out before sending it to me to promote, butcha never know.

And I'm all giggly that you're looking out for me. So nice! You just don't want to have to run my mug shot on Sticks.


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