Wednesday, May 17, 2006

"I Went Nowhere There for a While"

Funny. This is how I respond when contemplating four more years of a Republican-controlled Congress.


At 5/17/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Asleep in the backseat while Republicans fly the plane? That's a perfect analogy of what the dems have been doing for quite some time now. It's probably time the left woke up, came up with some kind of agenda, and earn the votes they take for granted every election.

Here's another:
The guy passing out also reminds me of the Kennedy's. Wonder why?

That was a good one, wasn't it Kate? I know you smiled.

At 5/17/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At first a smirk, then a fist in the air, then a resounding "Damn you!" from all the Dems in the house.


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