Thursday, May 11, 2006

More Good News for Teachers

Got this from the Davis campaign today:

Specifically, under my plan, every Florida teacher will see an average increase of $3,835, including benefits, in their yearly salary. I’ll pay for my $691 million plan by redirecting money from Gov. Bush’s failed education experiments, notably his FCAT-based so-called “reward” programs, and combine it with funding from my already proposed Teacher Endowment Fund and new revenue from slot machines. In other words, my nearly $700 million plan will increase teacher pay by an average of almost $4,000 per year – without increasing taxes.

Finally, a governor who would support and value teachers. 'Bout time. Learn more here.


At 5/11/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so basically, he's going to do what Bush is already doing? Some plan.

It's called copying and if I remember correctly they frown on that sort of thing in school.

Besides, didn't you get the memo? Teachers are supporting Smith. Get with the program Catherine.

At 5/11/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just in time for you to move to Colorado.

At 5/12/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Davis couldn't win if the race was fixed. If teacher's unions would let teachers be more accountable those that did a good job would be rewarded nicely. I'm sure you think every teacher does a great job though.

At 5/12/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. C-- Not sure which cloud you've been hanging out on, but giving teachers a raise is the opposite end of the spectrum from what Jeb is doing.

By giving them a raise, you obvoiusly meant cutting funding to public schools because they perform poorly--which obviously is because the teachers are failing, not the fact that they are in low income, poor neighborhoods with little to no health care, poor nutrition, parents who aren't around, and schools that are falling apart.

Damn teachers...

At 5/14/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr C: stereotyping is frownded upon, too and you sound like a hater when you do it. As a teacher NO I definitely don't think all teachers...anything. Extremes and assumptions like that are what makes you guys scary. In every profession there's good and bad, you MUST know that. There are lazy teachers out there, bad doctors, incompetent politicians, and closed minded bloggers.

At 5/19/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hallo I absolutely adore your site. You have beautiful graphics I have ever seen.


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