Thursday, May 04, 2006

Not Only Do We Look Alike...

My brother sent this to me - a shirt from our favorite on-line store.

I sent him a response: Who the hell is Xenu?

He wrote back: The dude who sent all the banished aliens to earth so they could throw themselves into the volcano and have their life force invade all of mankind until L. Ron Hubbard figured it out and wrote Dianetics to save all of us.

But, f*ck him, I like Xenu. He's a badass.


At 5/04/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least he picked a good vacation spot- Hawaii! Hang loose bra!

At 5/05/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geez. I only learned last year what these folks believed. I'd always looked at them sociologically -- asking about their class status, the uniformity of the clothing,etc. -- and not paying much attention to the content of the religion itself. I should be more tolerant, I know, but dang: aliens?!

At 5/05/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I looked at their website recently and there was no mention of aliens. Is this for real or just a bad rumor feeding the odd reputation these guys already have?

At 5/05/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I looked at their website recently and there was no mention of aliens. Is this for real or just a bad rumor feeding the odd reputation these guys already have?3F

At 5/05/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to an article I read in Rolling Stone - Scientologists pay a lot of money to attend classes and the higher one goes, the more "secrets" they are taught. Only the most advanced Scientologists (thetans? I think they're called?) learn about this "truth revealed to L. Ron Hubbard" because only the advanced can handle it.

Other people would say only the severely brainwashed would buy it.

This is the cornerstone of their faith, though. So it's weird that only the advanced learn about it. It'd be like only the most advanced Christians (who can afford it) finally learning that Jesus was the Messiah. I don't get how unadvanced Scientologists know next to nothing about their own "faith". The religion that rich and powerful Scientologists experience is different from the ones the everyday masses are involved in.

Check out the money in Xenu's hand. Classic.


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