Monday, May 01, 2006

One Big Happy Family

I always roll my eyes over the White House Correspondents' Dinner in Washington, D.C. Our current administration and its press corps are way too close for comfort. Esteemed journalists in Washington have proven in the last few years to be accessories after the fact - refusing to question dubious motives and report the truth back to us.

That's why I applaud independent papers, magazines and outside-the-beltway bloggers who question and tell the truth. Most Americans feel the same way otherwise the Internet wouldn't be so popular. I hope it drives print to be more responsible. Otherwise, the sooner we put Helen Thomas' peers out of business, the better off we'll all be.

This year Stephen Colbert came calling. And calling. And calling some more. Finally. Someone who makes sense. Disrespectful or Truth Telling? You decide. Colbert is a brave, breath of fresh air. When silence engulfs him are the times I wish I was in the corner applauding and laughing with my tongue out.

Maybe next year.


At 5/01/2006, Blogger Lofty said...

I don't know which I admire more, his truthiness, ability to stay in character, or the writing. Some of the grousing is that Colbert didn't hit the press as hard as the president. What?! He took a pretty good poke at the press with the whole "you type" schtick.

At 5/01/2006, Blogger What's so funny? said...

We watched all three parts of the roast. Oh, how I love Colbert. I've loved him since Strangers with Candy. Then on the Daily Show. I wish he'd speak at Shayna's birthday party this summer.

remember...the last 1/3 is backwash.

At 5/02/2006, Blogger M A F said...

Colbert is speaking "truthiness to power."

It was pretty obvious that Colbert routine was as welcome at the correspondents dinner as John Stewart was at the Oscars.

It makes me think of the South Park episode about "smug" alerts.

At 5/02/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jon Stewart's reaction:


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