Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Divide and Conquer

Come on, a gay marriage amendment? That's so 2004. Besides, I thought illegal immigration would be the divisive item of choice, used to rally the neocon faithful during midterm elections later this year.

Oh, wait. The Bushies came out all reasonable-like and blew that plan to hell. So it's more with this blast from the past: attack same-sex families. The amendment won't pass the Senate, but it might just take some of the focus off truly important issues long enough for those responsible to retain power. Ronald Brownstein nails the issue and questions an agenda focused on fighting rather than governing.

"Whatever else Americans may think about gay marriage, few consider it one of the country's most serious moral challenges. By elevating it so prominently, this week's debate is likely to deepen the sense that Washington is fixated on the preoccupations of ideological minorities while slighting most Americans' day-to-day concerns."

My question is: will it work again this time?


At 6/06/2006, Blogger Lofty said...

It might be time for a urinalysis sweep of the pres's staff. They'd have to be high on something to think this is a winner. Even the "core" is apt to look at an anti-Gay Marriage campaign as bait and switch, as in "Hey, you're supposed to be busy securing our borders and deporting people not amending the constitution!"

At 6/06/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's no way they think this is a winner - they just wanna rally. And their "core" doesn't think for themselves. At least not lately.

At 6/06/2006, Blogger Lofty said...

John F.-Don't count the military as for him. My favorite senatorial candidate, Jim Webb of Virginia, did a nice job on the Colbert Report of explaining why he (Vietnam vet, former Naval undersecretary, Annapolis grad, best selling novelist and former Republican) is now a Democrat and so many veterans are running for office as Democrats.

Doing your duty with respect to following the direction of the civilian leadership is not the same as supporting the pres.

At 6/06/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Port Tampa, Please. You're in denial if you think the VAST MAJORITY of the military isn't behind Bush. For example, Armytimes.com reports that Bush carried the military vote 73% to Kerry's 18%. The left always throws out unsubstantiated junk, like "so many veterans are running for office as democrats". Sure they are.

At 6/07/2006, Blogger Lofty said...

Mr. H-you assume the vast majority of the military votes. This is a poor assumption as the vast majority of the military is young and thus the least likely demographic to vote, even given the obvious vested interest in foreign policy.

However, in re-reading my own post I can see where it seemed like overstatement. The point I failed to make was really that no one should make the assumption that military service can automatically be equated with conservatism, whether political or social.

Besides, having an apolitical military is one of our country's greatest strengths. Individual soldiers' opinions should not be aggregated to support one position or one candidate over another as if one were winning another union endorsement or nod from some membership organization.

Finally, that more Iraq/Afghanistan war veterans are running for congress as Democrats than Republicans is a matter of public record. At the start of this election cycle 10 Democrats were running to just one Republican.

At 6/07/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So H comes back to argue using data from the last election? Umm, have you seen your man's approval ratings LATELY? He's tanking and those numbers are down among military as well. (They don't like going into battle unprepared.)

PTs always got her sh*t together, H. Perhaps when you're not exhausted from late night feedings you can give a better argument. You are up at night helping right? I know how conservative men can be...;-)

At 6/07/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Kate, I do get up to help. By PT's own admission, she had a flawed comment, so I guess her sh*t isn't ALWAYS together. Also, what other info would I use besides the last election? Have you seen a poll that questions just the military? PT is also incorrect in assuming that because they are young, they don't vote. I was in the Navy between the ages of 18-23. I didn't know ANYONE who didn't vote. Lastly, I had no argument as you suggest. I was merely pointing out that PT's comments were purely conjecture.

BTW, I have a gorgeous little boy. I've almost taught him to say "Bush Rocks."

At 6/07/2006, Blogger Lofty said...

So Mr. H, because everyone you knew in the Navy voted all the military votes. Well, just about everyone I've known for my entire life is or was in the military, and they all think Bush is an idiot thus the vast majority of the military agrees with me. Besides, I was in the Army twice as long as you were in the Navy so my opinion counts double.

More seriously. I do have contact with many service members, including the one I live with, and their political opinions are much more varied than either the MSM or blogosphere will ever know. And, I did not say my comment was flawed, I said I could see how it could be taken as overstatement rather than the intended comment that military service is not equal to conservatism, or personal support of the pres.

At 6/07/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't try to use logic with a man who is loopy from lack of sleep and the knowledge that his child will probably, at some point, blame his father's voting habits for the state of the world.

At 6/08/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, my child will probably, at some point, run my election campaign. I'm counting on you Kate to climb on board.


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