Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Take it Easy (and if it comes easy, take it twice)

Today is the six-week anniversary of double-hernia repair.

I'm fine, thanks for asking.

That means I may now return to the world of sit-ups, yoga, biking, and the like. I can no longer even think about this particular pose. However, at least I can do something besides sit around and listen to my waist expand. Watch me wipe the cobwebs off my equipment and ride them like the cowgirl I think I am.

(Some equipment not suitable to photograph because this is a family show.)


At 6/21/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We've seen your equipment before....and we LIKES!

At 6/21/2006, Blogger What's so funny? said...

A few comments, if I may:

1. Like the color on the walls. Did you choose red knowing the color supposedly incites anger (I read). Good color for a work-out room.

2. I'm impressed you fit all that into one room.

3. I'm impressed you have that MUCH equipment.

4. I'm impressed that you have the energy to work out with twins.

5. I'm depressed because I have a pool sitting in boxes outside my house and no contractor to put it together.

At 6/22/2006, Blogger KleoPatra said...

Glad you are well!!!


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