Friday, June 09, 2006

Today is the Day

UPDATE: The battle is over in the House as they sneaked in a vote last night and defeated our efforts. However, the Senate is still up for grabs. Make your voices heard before it's too late.

H/T to Gax.

The US House of Representatives will vote on Net Neutrality today. Let’s get on it people!

In less than five minutes, you can call your US Representative to help stop Congress from handing over control of the Internet to the nation's largest telephone and cable companies. Find his or her phone number here.

Urge your Rep to support the Markey-Boucher-Eshoo-Inslee Net Neutrality amendment to the larger communications bill called the COPE Act (H.R. 5252).

The COPE Act is riddled with problems, the biggest of which is the lack of genuine Net Neutrality protections. Tell your rep to oppose any telecommunications law that doesn't contain meaningful and enforceable Net Neutrality.


At 6/09/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And from what I understand, it was defeated....



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