Sunday, June 04, 2006

You Don't Need a Weatherman To Tell Which Way the Wind Blows

Charlie Crist, the man who would like to be Florida's next governor, is yelling about Citizen's Insurance and all the problems rising premiums are causing around the state. However, he's trying to lay blame at Tom Gallagher's feet without stepping in any of it himself. The St. Petersburg Times calls him on it.

"Attorney general since 2003, he has been a member of the Cabinet with the same level of responsibility for insurance oversight as Gallagher, the chief financial officer. And his one specific idea for shoring up Florida's insurance market - requiring companies writing auto policies to offer homeowners - has been rejected as unworkable by politicians and industry leaders alike."

Convenient that as hurricane season starts and premiums go up, Crist wants to capitalize on voters' impending sense of doom. However, he forgets that he's part of the problem. Or maybe he's hoping the rest of us will forget. He points a finger at his Republican opponent, but needs to realize four more fingers are pointing back at himself. Crist has done very little to address this issue affecting so many Floridians.


Perhaps he can't relate. The man doesn't own a home and, therefore, homeowner's insurance doesn't concern him. Tell me - how can he feel our pain when he's so far removed from the same concerns? Jim Davis spoke out about this issue long ago and other Democrats are also involved in finding answers. Not Charlie, though.

If Charlie Crist doesn't even accept the part he's played in the problem - how can he be trusted to find a solution?


At 6/08/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.

At 7/22/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.


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