You've Got Me? Who's Got You?
I scored a free pass to see Superman Returns next Monday night. I know. Try to contain yourself.
I considered asking around for anyone who might be interested in joining me. Think about it - a sneak preview that will no doubt attract those who frequent comic book conventions. And county fairs. And their kids. Doesn't that sound like fun? I can just hear my mother fainting right about now, worried that her daughter is soliciting for company via the Internet. (What will people think?) However, I'm not much of a draw and any of the few who frequent here would make delightful dates. Even the ones that like comic books and carnival rides.
Then I got a better idea - maybe I'll use this pass to get into the theatre and sneak off to The Break-Up (cause Vince Vaughn is hot) or The Da Vinci Code (even though Tom Hanks isn't) instead.
Superman fans - does that get your tights in a wad? Tell me all about it.
If you do decide to troll the Internet for a movie date, pick me, pick me!! I use deodorant, don't hog the popcorn and have my own transportation. :)
The Break-Up IS good... I like dark comedy. And the end is PERFECT. Because nobody and no relationship IS...
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