A Different Kind of Welcome Wagon
This is an email I received from a political activist upon arrival in Colorado Springs.
Welcome to Hate City! I lived there for over 20 years. I left as soon as I retired. I now live in Texas Creek, CO. It is different from CS but not necessarily better. Anyway . . .
Ask around about what happened to Mike Miles in the allegedly liberal Democratic Party of Colorado. Jay hasn't got a chance. I would not be surprised if he is suddenly attacked by his own party. But maybe living in HC for many years has made me excessively paranoid. Hefley's replacement (and remember his daughter is also in elected position in CO) has to be as least as out of it as he is.
Be sure and check out *Ken* Salazar's record before you go gaga over this alleged Democrat. Like his predecessor, Night-Horse Campbell, the turn-coat Dem, he is a good Repugnicat Light. His brother is another matter.
Allard, King, Kester, and a bunch of other policy makers are just short of a full load. If the Democrats would actually run populist candidates the results would be amazing even in CO. But they tend to hew the DLC line so they can get money from the national Demo party.
OTOH, not all Reps in our legislature are losers. There are some who actually have valid objectives.
Good God. What have I gotten myself into?
I wouldn't grow too despondent - anyone that jumps on a post that quickly is obviously at least somewhat reactionary.
That being said the comment is probably based on at least some truth, so I'll be praying for you in every religion I can think of.
"Other than that, how was the play, Mrs. Lincoln?"
Well, Katie, you can't say that life hasn't been interesting! Colorado Springs will never be the same again. :)
Wary is my middle name.
you are getting closer to the left coast. which is fine but it tends to be a bit more radical. out here, the democrats are considered to be part of the "machine" that presents us with no real choice. i tend to agree. we need radical change no just someone with a "D" instead of an "R" after their name. good luck....
OK. This reactionary Green Party member hasn't a clue after 20 years of GLBT suppression, Libertarian nonsense, and Doug Bruce. And I'm a "reactionary"? Lemme go polish my Green Jackboots.
Some of the comments even sound like Repugnant spokespeople. "WAAAAAAAAY out in Left Field"? Maybe principles don't mean much for some people but those of us tired of the crap the Right Wing and FoF have tossed at us around here take this seriously. OTOH, one can just toss off any knowlegeable advice I offer and suck up to Focus on the Family.
And this one: "you are getting closer to the left coast.". So east coast tolerance which leads to H. Clinton and Lieberman is superior? Some Democrats/progressives.
She asked. I answered. You judge. And keep filling sand bags.
Charlie Green
Texas Creek, CO
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