Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Making Us Feel Comfortable

I feel like I'm back in Pasco County. Well, at least there's no confederate flag on the bumper.


At 7/12/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm stuck on jesus. whoo hoo!

At 7/13/2006, Blogger Van said...

Just goes to show, there are ignorant people everywhere.

The automobile looks like a working van.

I guess that the person who slapped on that bumper sticker does not realize that the Republican party could care less about his or her financial pursuits.
Just as long as the Republicans bring out a wedge issue durring each election cycle, the working people who listen to AM radio will eat it up, vote against their own economic self interest.

So who's stuck on stupid?

But who knows, maybe someone put on the sticker as a prank and the driver is unaware.

At 7/13/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Van sounds bitter. Here's the definition of stupid - While running for office, make the statement "I voted for it before I voted against it."

dems are stuck on stupid if Kerry is really the best the left could find to put on the Presidential ticket.

Kate, hope all is well in Colorado. Nice to see you're wasting no time getting involved.


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