Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Meet Me In...Oh, You Know Where

We're here "safe"; however, the jury's out on "sound." Here are some of our conversations between Atlanta and St. Louis:

"Good God, do you smell that? Close the window."
"Now it's even worse."
"Okay, open the window. Quit feeding the kids bean dip."

"Why the hell are they so proud of Jimmy Carter?"
"Watch it."

(on the phone)
"Where you at?"
"You still in Georgia, bro?"
"No. It's your sister and nephews. They're 'Macon' me crazy. Hello?"

"Why don't you write something nice about Kevin or Steve or their wives? How about a heartwarming anecdote mentioning the way Joe fixed our minivan?"
"Because this blog isn't a f*cking Hallmark card."

"How hard is it gonna be finding food for four vegetarians?"

"I bet they have meat substitutes."


At 7/05/2006, Blogger What's so funny? said...

Oh my Gawd. I was just wondering how you'd get to your desination surviving on pickles and water. Hilarious. Marc went veggie too?

I hope you didn't use the same moving company you did on the way down!

At 7/05/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, I'm half sorry I'm not making the trip with you.

At 7/05/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Timmy - the more the merrier.

Sha - Marc converted about a year and a half ago. Cause I'm THAT powerful. ;-) So now we're all starvin'!

At 7/05/2006, Blogger What's so funny? said...

That made me spit my soy latte all over my computer screen. Thanks.


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