September 5th, 2006
It's no secret that I support Jim Davis for Governor of Florida. Lately, I've been teaming up with another local blogger to bring logic and reason to Rod Smith's supporters in Blog Land - all two of them. However, they remain dazed and confused. Still, I try, because after the primary they're going to get with our program to defeat Charlie Crist. One big happy family and all.
I am in a unique position because I actually know the man who will be governor. He's not just some guy I've seen on television or read about in the newspaper. Jim Davis has been in my home. We've had arguments - once, back in '92, he openly disagreed with my decision to get a tattoo - forever endearing himself to my mother. Jim has talked with my parents, husband and children several times throughout the years. (Contrary to popular belief, he has not offered them heartfelt sympathy for "dealing with Katie full time.") I've written before about how Jim and I met back in 1988, how he encouraged me to get involved in politics (yes, blame him) and that Jim brings dignity to a sometimes undignified process.
In other words, I can tell you from personal experience that Jim's a good guy, polished leader and devoted public servant. There's a reason he's never lost an election. Jim also surrounds himself with wonderful people. Take a look at his legislative staff and see that most have been with him since the beginning. Jim's campaign is filled with dedicated Democrats who see his commitment to public education (supporting class-size legislation years before it became popular) and the environment (protecting our coastline amidst great pressure to give in) as evidence that our children's future is not always for sale.
The St. Petersburg Times profiled Jim yesterday and the article is worth a look. I'm proud to say, "I knew him when..." and I'm even prouder to know him now. Get to know him yourself.
Who did the Florida PBA endorse in the Primary? I believe in law, order and justice and I only want to support candidates strong on those issues. Isn't the job of the Florida Police Benevolent Association to choose candidates who believe in law, order and justice?.
Oh, and getting back to the parental responsiblity thing, does JD feel the same way you do? I also support candidates who believe it's the parents responsibility to raise a child, like you do. So that makes me curious about JD and your support of him. Opposition to tattoos isn't enough for me.
Mr. C - Jim voted to require that convicted felons serve 85% of their sentence in prison. He also fought to increase funding for the COPS program, voted to increase penalties for child sex offenders, and voted for the AMBER alert system. Sounds like a law, order, and justice man to me. Jim believes we need more prevention and that is best achieved through education.
All the bases are covered with a view and record that takes everything into account. You know - the big picture?
No, you wouldn't know...
Fight nice, kids.
Although I can't recall a time when John mentioned "Adam's Professor" by name. I also never got the superior vibe from him. Of course, I have no inferiority complex to overcome either.
But nobody's perfect.
Awww, shucks.
Congrats, Kate - you've attracted the RodSquad. I had a short visit, but I think my cynicism and small traffic quickly proved me not worth the trouble. That and I can't vote in the primaries.
Of course inane posts on the campaign's blog page are going to draw Smith's supporters -- wasn't that your point in linking to this site?
I'm still a little heartbroken. We worked with Jim's campaign very hard. I wouldn't be so heartbroken if the alternative weren't so gruesome but part of me believes that the whole jennings debacle is a smokescreen to cover up the fact that if that went on in every county jim is probably really the governor, TOO. Why didn't he look into this a bit?
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