Friday, July 14, 2006

Should I Stay or Should I Go Now?

Contrary to popular belief, I do enjoy soliciting opinions. If for no other reason than to start fights or mumble bitterly about my judgmental friends. The following is an email I sent out.

Most of you know my family's sitch - crashing in Colorado with lifelong friends and hoping our house sells back in Wesley Chapel so we can get a place of our
own. Ever try living with two active little boys in someone else's house with
million dollar works of art just waiting to be broken? Not to mention the fact
that I've had no luck landing a teaching gig.

Just heard from favorite friend Beth in Tampa with a job offer - a temporary teaching job until December - giving us time to sell our house with less
pressure and an earlier departure than if the job went all year.

Of course, returning to Tampa has several implications - prolonging the hurt of
saying goodbye, facing everyone I alienated before leaving and, worst of all,
driving back through Kansas.

What would you do?

Most people think we ought to stay in Colorado. What the hell do they know? Some swear disaster lurks when living with friends - especially when one of those friends owns the company your husband works for. They must remember my drinking habits. Other responses from:

Michele - I want you here. Gonna put a bullet in Beth's mailbox.

Becky - Who asked Beth to get involved?

Paul - I only spoke with him a couple of times, but your husband did not seem to enjoy being separated from you guys. Especially, you. He mentioned the kids a couple of times, but it was mostly...."I can't wait until Katie gets here."...."I miss Katie so much"..."This mansion I'm living in is nice, but I wish Katie could be here to enjoy it with me"...."Action movies on this giant home theater are cool, but I wish I was watching Titanic with my wife", etc...
If enough damage is done to the house, maybe they'll let you keep it and Becky will be happy because she can get a new, bigger house.

Anthony - If you need money, sell a painting and have the boys make a new one to go in its place!

Husband - I used to like Beth.

Chase - I'd say you're here. Stay. Struggle. And in the end, it won't seem like it was all that hard.

Danny - In other news, Jayron and I just put our order in for a 2007 Prius, I know that will make you happy!

Jayron - A philosopher once said (I wish I could remember the guys name), nothing is right or wrong but thinking makes it so. So no decision you make will be wrong or bad. I think this offer sounds really good to go back to Florida.

Dalia - Living in someone's else's house would drive me batty. And Tampa has free babysitting and booze.

Jeanne - I would have to go back to Tampa if I couldn't afford an apartment.

My Mom - I love Beth.

The responses keep coming in so I'll post more tomorrow. I know. You can hardly wait.


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