Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Signature Sunday

...from ProgressNow Action:

Tired of all those right-wing ballot initiatives? Fight back! Help get three
proactive, progressive initiatives on the November ballot: lobbying reform, a
minimum wage increase, and domestic partnerships.

In a recent survey, ProgressNowAction members overwhelmingly supported all three of these initiatives. And all three initiatives could play a major role in determining whether Colorado continues in a progressive direction this November.

Right now, campaigns for each of those initiatives are gathering
signatures to place them on the ballot. And with the August 7th deadline
approaching fast, all three still need more signatures to qualify.

Will you help these initiatives qualify for the ballot? This Sunday, July 16th, is
"Ballot Signature Sundayā€¯. Reps for all three initiatives will be in Colorado
Springs from noon until 4:00 p.m. at the Coloradans for Fairness and Equality
Campaign Office at 16 N. Spruce St. Drag your friends, family and neighbors with
you, and sign those ballot petitions!

If you can't make it Sunday and want to help out by gathering signatures, click here, provide your contact information, and identify the initiatve(s) you want to help.

As always, thanks for all you do.


At 7/13/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now why should we raise min. wage, when we can pay illegals 2.00/ hr..

At 7/13/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's the Christ-like attitude I know and love.


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