"Sit still and pay attention."
Famous last words.
My youngest son stood on the chair and raised his hand. I almost died. Looked at him quickly and he said, "I have a question." Shrugged my shoulders and he did the same. What could I do? Besides shut my eyes and pray he didn't ask something silly about Bugs Bunny.
"I'll take a question from the young man in the second row," General Clark said.
To. My. Son.
"Why is Israel important?" Youngest asked.
Kid paid attention. I tried not to beam. What may seem obvious to us is not always so obvious to a six year-old. I looked toward our speakers for the answer.
"Israel is a strong democracy and ally to our country," Jay Fawcett said. "Israel shows the world that there is an alternative to fundamentalist government in that part of the world and we should embrace that alternative because it gives the entire region hope."
Couldn't have said it better myself.
Now you just get to explain what a fundamentalist government is :-)
Thanks for this! They may not sit down, but they DO pay attention! How pleased you must be!
I think my daughters (18 and 21) have benefitted from the fact that we adults have always talked to and with them about matters of the day, and they have and are developing opinions. AND they know how to disagree without being disagreeable, which is one of General Clark's great skills.
Hmm .. I just find it hard to understand why Israel needs to go bombing humans, killing people and destroying stuff all the time ....
No, I'm not unsympathetic to anyone, but killing children never sits well with me. I don't care who's shooting at you.
There can be no justification for killing innocent people. Ever.
And that's what's happening on both sides. Now.
Israel is wrong this time. I know terrorists have to be defeated, but if anyone fights this way, if anyone hurts innocent families and children like this, it's wrong.
This has to stop. This is not right.
That's just me. I have different political views from Kate on a lot of areas. But no one should allow or support this kind of bombing, or death, or harm, to people ever, for any reason. This needs to stop. I can't stand to see a city destroyed.
please. stop.
I'm sorry I don't share some of the opinions you relate.
About Middle East, I quote your words :« the disastrous direction our current administration has chosen ». What's disastrous ? The efforts to establish a democracy in Irak ? Supporting Israel, suddenly and one more time hurt by furious and silly Hezbollah-Hamas, united in a no-future strategy ? The struggle against iranian nuclear madness ?
Really, I don't understand what you mean by « disastrous ». In this part of the world everything is complex and painful. Please be fair with your president. It's a hard job he has to accomplish.
Whats is disastrous, I believe, is the weakness of Europe, and the impotence of the U.N.
Chase - I find it more difficult to argue with Israel's politics than our own country's. Perhaps because I don't live there and do not truly understand what it's like to be the only thriving democracy surrounded by Arab countries that thrive on hate and destruction. Of course, I'd like to see Israel do a few things differently. However, I shy away from *most* criticism because the haters are just anti-Semites in disguise. Obviously, your own criticism comes from somewhere else it appears and I respect that. I just don't want people to forget that these terrorists want to destroy the Jewish state. There's no in between with them. And they must be stopped.
Pierre - While I appreciate your admiration for this country - I do not share your views that our President is doing his best. He will go down in history as the worst president ever. Mark my words.
Love this guy!!
Go Jay.
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