Monday, July 03, 2006

Strange Days Indeed

"Who on earth do you think you are? A superstar? Well, right you are!"

No one likes John Lennon more than I do. Okay, no one who isn't on medication. I own every song the man recorded, most biographies, several posters and even this lithograph: Two is One.

Back in 1988, I waited in line for hours to be among the first to see Imagine, a movie about his life. I stood alone because even my hippie friends thought a documentary was a lame way to spend Friday night. I disagreed and sat in that theatre transfixed by a man who wrote music's most powerful words. They inspired me then and now.

The U.S. vs John Lennon is yet another chance to celebrate his life and message - and the timing couldn't be better. This documentary will hopefully shine a light on the past and illuminate the present. I will wait in line again - only this time I'll bring the husband and kids. Because John's right; apathy isn't it. And while I'm there, I'll look around for a young idealist who is just waiting to get inspired before rocking out to change her own little corner of the world. I'll tell her: Hey, it worked for me.


At 7/03/2006, Blogger KleoPatra said...

Ooooooooooooh, i can't wait for this. i am huge on the Beatles!! Thanks for the head's up, Kate...

"Instant Karma" always, ALWAYS gets me... it's so funny 'cause everytime it does, that song goes thru my brain...

At 7/03/2006, Blogger Jack Steiner said...

Everyone knows that Paul is the real reason the Beatles rocked. ;)

At 7/03/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paul?! Those are fightin' words.


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