Wednesday, August 30, 2006

I Like My Sugar With Coffee and Cream

From the Orlando Sentinel:

Sugar companies control some 700,000 acres in the Everglades Agricultural Area
south of Lake Okeechobee. They would love to turn wide swaths of that into
houses. The governor appoints the secretary of the Department of Community
Affairs, the state agency that oversees development. Given Mr. Smith's atrocious
record on environmental issues and his eagerness to take Big Sugar's help, it's
easy to guess what kind of DCA secretary he would appoint.

Read more here. And just in case you aren't convinced, looky here. Can't buy me love, Rod.


At 8/30/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who do you think the Orlando Sentinel is going to endorse in the general election, should Jim Davis and Charlie Crist win the primary?

I'll give you one guess...

At 8/30/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

one of your links is broken. i think you are looking for this...

At 8/30/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you much.

At 8/30/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

John are you a Democrat?? It sounds like you would support Crist over must be freaking nuts!

At 8/30/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kate, why would two of the state's most liberal newspapers (The St. Pete Times and the Palm Beach Post) endorse Rod Smith if he was going to be devastating to the environment?

Also please do a public records request with the Federal Elections Commission for Bob Graham. He received alot more money from the Sugar Barons than Rod Smith ever dreamed of...

Was Bob Graham bought and paid for by the Sugar Industry????

You guys need to get a clue!!! I hope Smith wins, but I will sure as hell vote for Davis over Crist.

I am not sure you and John F. will do the same if it is Smith vs. Crist.

At 8/30/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, so that's your new angle - go after Bob Graham? My...we are getting desperate aren't we?

I don't have to defend my voting habits to someone who hasn't the nerve to use his or her own name. Besides, Smith isn't going to win. So no worries.

At 8/30/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trivia time...

What was the last corporation in the United States to be prosecuted for slavery?

At 8/31/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 8/31/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

US Sugar Corp. 1942.

At 8/31/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who was the last candidate to take money from the sugar industry??? Who cares??

Nice brush off Kate. Since you didn't seem to get my point, I will explain it to you.

I was not attacking Bob Graham, I was simply pointing out that Bob Graham received far more money than Rod Smith has from Big Sugar and he still had a great record on the environment.

Rod Smith will certainly not allow polluters to get away with using the Everglades as a sewer.

I wish both Jim Davis and Rod Smith luck. I just happen to believe Rod Smith will appeal more to those Democrats and Independents who feel like the Democratic Party has forgotten them or no longer represents their values.

I think Rod will win come Tuesday, but if he doesn't I will wholeheartedly stand behind my party's decision and support Jim Davis.

Hope you and John F. will do the same.


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