Monday, August 28, 2006

What the bloodclot?

My kids came home from school Friday with membership forms to fill out.

"We want to join Boy Scouts," they said in unison. Yes, in unison. Twins are fun like that.

I spit out my Merlot. After regaining some composure, I shook my head.

"Boy Scouts are out," I said.


"Because they discriminate against gay people," I said. "We can't join any organization that discriminates against an entire group of people. We must stand with homosexuals, who are unjustly targeted due to ignorance and fear."

They thought about it and asked for a few definitions.

"Dude!" my youngest finally said. "Gay people are fine!"

(I've never heard him use Dude proud.)

"Yeah they are," my oldest concurred.

"Good boys," I said.

Then my youngest started to cry.

"That means the Boy Scouts would be mean to Aunt Phillip," he said.

"Right..." I said, gently. "Sweetie, there are people everywhere who are mean for no good reason. Unlike Mommy, who is only mean when provoked. We can't do anything about haters. Let's just do our own thing and leave them alone."

My oldest got teary-eyed as well. Jesus. Me and my sensitive men. So I busted some rhymes.

"Let God deal with the things they do, cause hate in your heart will consume you, too!"

Both boys started laughing.

"Will Smith is weak, Mommy," my oldest said. "Let's hear some Beastie Boys."


At 8/28/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yet another reason why Democrats will continue to lose elections.

"I wonder why we can't win anywhere but in the Northeast..."

Why not teach your boys to respect the organization while at the same time respecting gay rights?

You can then have them join the Boy Scouts and work for change from within the organization.

Scouting is a great way to teach young boys and young men good morals, good work ethic and personal sponsibility.

At 8/28/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love my spelling...responsiblity!

At 8/28/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate Mondays...responsibility!!!

At 8/28/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are Jewish, liberal vegetarians - my children have learned from an early age to respect those who are different because we are surrounded by those who have different views. Rather than burden my children with the responsibility to change the Boy Scouts, they can spend their time off from school playing sports and attending other activities. I teach my children good morals, ethics and responsibility. I don't need the Scouts to do it for me.

Thanks though.

At 8/28/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can't change the Boy Scouts from within because they're puppets of the Mormon Church.

This is pretty well-covered in other venues.

At 8/28/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have it going well with your boy's. Jewish, liberal and vegetarian seems fine to me. Then again my wife and I are raising our daughters in a liberal, Secular Huminist household and they don't seem any worse for wear either. I have tried the vegitarian thing and just can't do it. I have a Buddhist, vegan brother and siter-in-law though. Keep up the good work.

At 8/28/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't allow my son to join boy scouts either for the same reason. We are somewhat Christian....we aren't really sure what we are, Liberal, meat eaters. LOL. My son is 16. We spend every Thanksgiving with a wonderful group of friends whom most are gay. My son is perfectly comfortable with them, loves them like family. I am glad we raised him to love all people. Matter of fact, his debate topicfor class this week is Gay Marriage. He is for it of course. And I guess I will have to answer this question because I know some smart a$$ will ask..NO my son isn't gay. He just sees how idiotic all those out there who oppose gay marriage are and intends to prove it.

At 8/28/2006, Blogger KleoPatra said...

Kate, this is why i love you:

"We are Jewish, liberal vegetarians - my children have learned from an early age to respect those who are different because we are surrounded by those who have different views. Rather than burden my children with the responsibility to change the Boy Scouts, they can spend their time off from school playing sports and attending other activities. I teach my children good morals, ethics and responsibility. I don't need the Scouts to do it for me."

You are SO cool. THANK YOU.

At 8/28/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love meat!! I love hunting!

I love gays!!

At 8/29/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"love meat, love hunting & love gays"
-that's guilty...very guilty.

That was a cute true-life story... thanks for sharing!
Sucks about the BoyScouts... I had no idea. Otherwise, it's not a bad organization for kids who need it.

At 8/29/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Throwing a great organization like the Boy Scouts under the Bus is typical of liberals. Do you know how many people who attend our Military Academies have been in the boy scouts and obtained the rank of eagle scout. Oh, you wouldn't liberals like you hate the military and the don't ask don't tell policy Clinton put in place.

At 8/29/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

okay, i'll bite. . .how many eagle scouts have attended a military academy?
if you're going to use a question in an attempt to argue something, you should probably be able to answer it.
go ahead. . .do the math. . . i'll wait. of course, i've already looked everything up and have my answer. oh, and not to split hairs, but attending a military academy and graduating from a military academy are two different things. so, my numbers are based on graduating classes.
i'm anxiously awaiting your anonymous reply.


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