Friday, August 18, 2006

You Can't Front On That

According to the Orlando Sentinel, Democrats must reject Rod Smith - a man who would be bad for our environment, our party, and our state.

Read more here, visit Jim's site and get involved. It's not too late to join the winning team.


At 8/18/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just FYI: Mike Thomas is a registered independent who has, several times, expressed high regard for Jeb. I find it somewhat ironic that Mike is blasting Smith and claiming he'll be a "disaster" when everything he is accusing Smith of doing, Jeb has certainly done - and then some. And those accusations are false. Smith a "wholly owned subsidiary of Big Sugar?" What a freaking joke!

At 8/18/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen brother! Republicans don't want Smith to win the primary, because he actually has a chance to win the whole damn thing!

At 8/18/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get a clue! That guy is so far up Charlie Crist's ass... I used to think I was a liberal, but some of these bloggers make me ashamed to call myself a Democrat.

If you do your homework, you will find that Bob Graham received countless donations from BIG SUGAR, but noone ever accused him of having a bad record on the environment.

Rod Smith has a record of accomplishment in a Republican controlled legislature. He is also a former state attorney with a strong record on fighting crime.

Hello??? Charlie Crist's big issue is obviously crime! Smith totally takes that issue out of play for Crist. Don't you see that??

Wouldn't you rather have Smith as Governor than 4 more years of the same BS. I know I would.

At 8/18/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, Rod Smith supporters are a force for good all right. All two of you.

An independent's opinion about Rod Smith being no friend of the environment is valid. You can't pretend his ties to Big Sugar aren't disturbing and he's done nothing to convince us he wouldn't be beholden to them.

The fact that I know Jim and have worked with and for him for over seventeen years makes my opinion more than credible. It gives me a unique perspective with which to get more voters on Jim's side. Which is what I've been doing.

And thanks for the part you play.

At 8/19/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

More like one fly-by-nighter who isn't armed for a battle of the wits.

At 8/21/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Comparing Rod Smith to Bill McBride now thats intelligent.

At 8/21/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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