Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Fresh - For You

This makes me want to move right into Phyllis Busansky's district so I can vote for her myself.

Oh, right. My house isn't selling.

Anyway, from Phyllis' campaign (emphasis added by me):

Dear Homeowner,

This Thursday the President of the United States is coming to Tampa to
campaign against me. He is charging people $1,000 for lunch and $2,100 to get a
photo with him and my opponent Gus Bilirakis.

I am fairly certain that Gus will not be asking President Bush to help
solve our homeowner insurance crisis. And I am fairly certain there will be no
discussion about our rates doubling and tripling while insurance companies are
posting record profits. In fact, I am fairly certain the insurance lobbyists
will be doling out plenty of $2,100 checks to support Gus!

So I am going to do something about it! If your homeowner insurance
rates went up by $1,000 or more, I'd like to buy you lunch – and we can discuss ways we will fight back!

And if your rates went up by $2,100 or more, you get lunch and a
photo with me!
Please join me Thursday, September 21st at 1:30 PM at La
Teresita restaurant, 3246 W. Columbus Dr., Tampa (located a few blocks southeast
of Raymond James Stadium).

Please RSVP to mailto:ebarson@busanskyforcongress. or (813) 435-5103. Seating is limited because, as you know, many homeowners have suffered rate increases in excess of $1,000 thanks to state lawmakers like Gus Bilirakis.

Thank you so much,
Phyllis Busansky
If I didn't have a classroom of kids eager to roll their eyes and pass notes when I turn my back - I'd be there. Enjoy!


At 9/21/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bravo Phyllis!

(Preparing for Kate to "fall down dead")

At 9/21/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now you must get over here and administer CPR.

(your fault after all)

At 9/21/2006, Blogger luckylucas said...

this is so brilliant. LOVE IT!

At 9/22/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I might have used "I got more rhymes than Phyllis Diller" if I had wrote this post...


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