Saturday, September 02, 2006

Holla Back, Challah Bread

All right, who's in? So many movies, so little time. John Lennon, Jesus, and now Al Franken. (Question: Which of the three would make an outstanding Senator?)

And if you're interested in screening a flick about Iraq, invite me!

In related news, Jim Davis was endorsed by the Jewish Journal.

Contrary to a filer campaign by some Smith supporters, Davis is a friend of
Israel, as he has proven in his congressional votes, trips to the Middle East
and knowledge of Israeli business and technologies.
However should I celebrate tonight? Well, this bottle of Manischewitz from last year's Pesach celebration isn't going to finish itself. Oy.


At 9/02/2006, Blogger MitchRobinsonAces said...

Catherine Durkin Robinson, are you a lush?

I warned Marc that, no matter convert or not, you can't separate the Irish from the booze.

And, as you know, I never judge based on nationality, politics or any other general prejudicial leanings.

At 9/02/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone knows that "wine" is simply code for "prune juice" in this family. No worries.


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