Monday, September 25, 2006

Holy This and Holy That

"Hebrew karma's a b*tch."

This is it, folks. The Days of Awe. Let's not f*ck 'em up.

I don't particularly enjoy the whole "apology" thing so I'll address that uncomfortable reality later in the week.

For those who don't know about this Jewish ritual, Stephen Colbert explains.

I know. You're looking forward to my call.


At 9/25/2006, Blogger MitchRobinsonAces said...

I wasn't prepared to read let alone comment on your post since you've never read or posted on my blog--and I still will seriously consider it after I make what could be my last comment:
after looking at your new picture, something looked out of place, and now I know what it is: the supposed "peace sign" actually looks like a wild hare sign that kids do for shadows on the wall.

Except that it really is a "wild hair" as in you've got a wild hair up your **s.

But it is a nice smile.

I refuse to comment on your t-shirt. I do have a modicum of decency left. I wish you did too

At 9/25/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You sad, strange little man.

I don't comment unless I have something constructive to say. Wish you followed that same policy.

At 9/25/2006, Blogger MitchRobinsonAces said...

Remember, however you describe me, also describes your husband. Do you also consider him, sad, strange and little? (I realize I left myself wide open for more of your pithy statements)

And, as far as being constructive, do you honestly feel you've shown even a minute drop of constructive-ism in any of your blog posts?.

The only positive thing you've accomplished to date is making me seriously consider becoming a born-again Christian

At 9/25/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dang, Mitch, why the hate on for Kate? You and I have only met one time, maybe two, so I don't know you well at all, but I can say this: I know Marc very well, and NO WAY is he close to sad, strange, or little. Just sayin...

At 9/26/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oy, this is a time to be introspective and loving... Kate, i send love to you and hope for peace and good health for you and your family in the coming year.


Shana Tova, kiddo.

Think good thoughts!!


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