Wednesday, September 20, 2006

If You Don't Like the News, Then Press Eject

"Why you so sour?"

Well, there's this, that, and the other thing. I took our house off the market for a week so we can lower our price substantially and it still might not sell. I may be stuck in Florida until I'm old and grey.

Saw my hot hematologist last week - depleting platelets are still running for cover.

Elmo on crack is pretty funny, though. Reminds me of me on a Saturday night after too many arguments with myself.

I could go on and on, but you get the point.


At 9/20/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Things have been pretty dim lately, yes.

That new yahoo video player doesn't load for me :-/

At 9/20/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't lose your faith in getting the hell out of Florida. I can't believe I am stuck in this Soviet Social Republic of a hell hole myself. Because of work, I definately am stuck here for 3 to 4 more years. But after that, Nothing will stop me from running and screaming northward. Good luck.

At 9/20/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dunno. Tampa has grown on me. Of course, the minute I start to feel really connected to the community - BAM! - my husband gets a TERRIFIC job in Colorado Springs. So I fight it and resist and the minute I start to get excited about the move and finally put the house up for sale - BAM! - the market dies and I must wait.

Such is life. My life anyway.

At 9/20/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Had a bout of low platelets myself for a while Below 200.

They tested me for everything from TTP (Thrombosis) to lupus to all sorts of blood cancers and kidney issues.

ended up being a blood pressure thing where the elevated blood pressure was sheering my red blood cells apart.

It has since been treated and my platelet counts have been close to 300.

Good Luck, I'm sure you'll be OK.


At 9/20/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yeah,

Hemax is the multivitamin-Ironsupplement they prescribed for me.

It eventually worked, but it took a few months to get all the hemaglobin, hemocrit, and platelet levels back up.

hang in there


At 9/20/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mine are well below 100 - but tested for everything under the sun and doing okay. Got something called ITP. We have our own bracelets!

So that counts for something.

At 9/21/2006, Blogger luckylucas said...

so sorry... i think we just accepted a really shitty offer on our house. :(


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