I'm a funky-*ss Jew
"When you wake up in the morning, don't kvetch. Say 'Yippee!'"
My kids love it when they urban-ize Judaism. Nothin' funnier than two white boys dancing around to a Lil' John parody while wearing yarmulkes.
Except this: Opened up the mail today to discover my property taxes and homeowner's insurance are increasing my mortgage by about $300/month. And then about an hour later the air conditioner broke.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Happy New Year, my ass.
As I'm about to jump off the cliff - I caught this trailer. Just in time.
Certainly there is something funnier--two lil black kids in yarmulkas.
Also, if you get tired of feeling so sorry for yourself, how about feeling a little sorry for me.
Funny. My taxes went down a couple bucks from last year. Quite literaly, a couple bucks. But none the less...
Taxes going up to pay for all your liberal programs! Democrats tax and spend!
Thanks alot. Vote Republican and quit complaining about your taxes increasing!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mitch - I've been feeling sorry for you for years. It's my turn now.
Thanks Beck. ;-)
And one other thing, every representative I have is a Republican. Furthermore, I wouldn't mind paying more taxes if it meant more schools and better roads. However, my reps keep cutting programs and are horribly slow at keeping up with growth. So what exactly am I paying for? Repubs are in charge and SH*T is getting down round here. So I say: suck it.
damn. have you filled out your Insurance story card for Busansky???
And just this morning, the Florida Today rag shows Charlie Crist in a statement making us all aware that the Republicans will lower our taxes. The Repubs won't let us get hit by higher insurance costs. Ummmmmmm,,, who has been in power for the last 8 years here in Florida? Take a look at your tax and insurance bill again. Is this guy serious????
Republicans have had to clean up the Democrats mess for the last 8 years. What did Bob Graham and Lawton Chiles do for us except tax and spend.
We actually have had a Governor who made schools and teachers accountable for being complete failures.
You people make me sick! If you hate this state so much LEAVE!
Think good thoughts, Kate. You have a home. Bottom line...
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