Saturday, September 09, 2006

I'm in Your Crawl Space

Husband: Did you catch Katie’s website the other day?

Relative Who Shall Remain Nameless: No, I forgot how to find it.

Husband: Seriously?

Relative: Okay, I’ll be honest with you. Her writings upset me.

Later, Husband relates the above story and asks, incredulously: Can you believe that?

Me: Oh, sure. Happens all the time.

Case in point.


Me: Did you see my post on…

Cousin: No way. I’ve been through three military conflicts and yet, if I read one more rant about your intestinal movements, I might just have to apply for post-traumatic stress disorder.


Me: Did you read what I wrote about you?

Sibling: No because you always twist my words and besides, I’m not comfortable with the sex talk. Not comfortable with that at all.


Me: How about that comment on my site about…

Parent: I don’t read anymore. You hardly mention me.


People have opinions and I am generally receptive to criticism. Yes, I love those who read and comment more than those who don’t. However, I try not to hold it against the sissies. They need love, too.

I continue to get feedback from concerned loved ones about something I’ve written that rubs the wrong way. So I know a few family members are still reading. I always promise to “think about it” before stubbornly refusing to change. Some disagree with my words while others can't take my political point of view. Can you believe there are some out there who object to pictures of my breasts?

Oh, to hell with them.


At 9/09/2006, Blogger Chase Squires said...

dadgum, I'm in Vail right now .. and drunk .. alls I dan say is. . you so crazy ...

yo ..


At 9/10/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have breasts where???? Plus most people think the Move On.Org crowd should do just that and move on. In ten years or so when you actually begin to understand things you'll shake your head at what you believed now and say what they hell was I thinking.

At 9/10/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vail? Drunk? I'm so there.

At 9/11/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll keep reading.


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