Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Kick It Over Here Baby Pop

The sudden silence is deafening. Is everyone on vacation? Primary Day was over a week ago, people, let's get with the program.

After perusing my favorite candidates' websites last night, I noticed their "Events" pages look as pathetic as my social calender circa 1983. This is usually Joel's area, but Skippy, what's up with the blog?

There's gotta be at least one local shindig this weekend. An event or two where I can roam around with a drink in one hand, camera in the other - just waiting to pounce on Argyle Sock Man. Happenings that allow me to rate hot men, causing alarmed family members to call Husband and offer unsolicited advice. Fundraisers where dirty dancing is not only accepted, it's encouraged. I promise to be kind. Sorta.

Everyone knows my number so help me help you. Like now.


At 9/12/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Listen - most events are out of my neighborhood so that's never a problem. And I'd travel to Dade City for a 9.75. Believe it. Just name the time and place.

At 9/12/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am one of Skip's biggest fans. But he is going to lose this race unless he (or his campaign people) kick it up a notch.

They have no field plan, no ballot program, and they have been running this thing like Skip is in the frickin' witness protection program.

How did they lose 35% of the primary vote to an unkown who didn't even campaign?

At 9/12/2006, Blogger Chase Squires said...

So, what's up with this ...?


Man, they're all evil, don't matter what side of the aisle they sit on, by nature, I don't trust anyone who wants the job!


At 9/12/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, no, no. Jim isn't evil. Sit down before you hurt yourself.

Jim made a mistake back in 1990 and he's apologizing for it. I'd like someone to look through your writings and opinionating over the past sixteen years. Anything you're not proud of?

I'm thankful Jim wants this job. He'll be good for teachers, parents, and the children of this state.

At 9/13/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fantasy football convention??? Come on!?! Broaden your horizons!!

At 9/13/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd attend just about anything with you and your wife. But not a fantasy football convention. Even I have lines that can't be crossed.


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