Shine Like the Sun
According to several emails and more than a few concerned phone calls - I'm full of piss and vinegar these days. So here's some good news.
-- Tuesday night, good friend Chris called to say that my old high school, where I worked last year, is probably going to share A+ money with all teachers who worked there during the 2005-2006 school year. Dandy news because in my four years with this district, I've never received A+ money. Mostly my fault for leaving Superior High School after their last "A" grade. However, teachers employed during the grading period should benefit from said grade even if they transfer to another school. I never raised a beef about it because, well, have you ever tried to pry a buck out of a teacher's hand? You're likely to get a busted lip for your effort. My old school may vote this measure down, but what's nice is the thought that several educators believe teachers who were part of the team should be compensated - despite the fact they jumped ship. And Chris thought I'd like to hear such good news personally. That's why Chris isn't on my sh*t list. Not yet anyway.
-- I got an email Wednesday morning asking me to participate in a radio program on WMNF. I didn't care if the subject was "Teachers and Alcohol: What Gives?" Count me in! Sadly, the program takes place Saturday from 10am-noon so that counts me out. Rosh Hashanah and all. You can still tune in, though (88.5 on your FM dial) and imagine all the dick and fart jokes I would have contributed to an otherwise dignified discussion.
-- Sticks of Fire, a site I'm proud to be part of, got a royal shout-out from Weekly Planet - er, Creative Loafing. Best of the Bay, baby! I'm the least of their stellar contributors, still it feels good to be on a winning team.
-- Just when I thought life couldn't get better, Bright House came out and fixed my cable in time for The Office premiere tonight. And it didn't cost me a dime. Joy! Rapture!
Yes, my house isn't selling and dead people have more platelets than I do, but Tommy might let me look at the plaque for Sticks and my boys down at The Hub might buy me a beer to celebrate. So I got that going for me.
We'll have a few drinks in a few days. Thanks for all your contributions - they are invaluable.
Moonbeam, whaddya mean "not yet anyway" When did the new list begin! I usually have a reservation for whichever list is current!!!
The picture looks more like the maniacle laugh of crazed peson.
A bit happy...A bit evil...
I guess you can chalk that up to being a Redhead.
hang in there... :) you could be like me & on your 1,000,000,000,000th phone call. LOL
Gee, way to mention the happiness out of town visitors bring your way. Don't you even like that thing I do during that one thing we try?
You look great! Happy New Year!!
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