"This does go well with the chicken."
Final debate between Rod Smith and Jim Davis was scheduled for tonight, but Rod Smith decided he'd rather not. Seems that showing up for a slap-down didn't fit into his schedule.
Rod's almost out of money and time. See you on the other side, Squatters.
It really doesn't matter that Smith was a no show. Obviously, Davis is going to be the one running against Crist in November. Then, unfortunately, Crist is going to crush Davis at the general election. It stinks yes,,,,but it's just reality.
This is a stupid move by the Smith campaign. The debate would have given him earned media and a chance to win over a large number of undecideds. With little cash left for a meaningful ad buy, he has no way to connect with the masses. But as Boone said, it just a race for second place.
Smith is getting plenty of soft money from the Democratic party to run ads in the final days of the campaign, which Davis is not allowed to take under federal law.
If you take a look at the latest Quinnipiac (spelling?)poll, Smith was gaining ground with the undecideds while Davis lost ground.
If Crist becomes your nominee, then that proves the conservative movement is really only about money. You all can foam at the mouth all you want about "life" and "gays" and everything else - you really just want to win, keep more money even if that means closing down effective social programs, and like PJ O'Rourke says: ranting about how government doesn't work then getting elected and proving it.
Hi Kate,
(I left a similar note on PEER Review as well)
Conservatives are not just following the money, and we are not all rabidly anti-gay either. There are many conservatives, and different people follow different guidelines for voting. You are right, 40% will vote for Gallagher, mostly b/c of his social views. However, not all conservatives are ultra-christian.
My wife and I, however, are evangelicals, who voted for Crist. However, we (may be considered moderate) are fine with civil unions, we truly believe in 'live and let live.' Our church does disagree with us though, but churches seem to think that we are supposed to enact religious law, which would make us like muslims. We just want some form of traditional values to stay in society. We also dont base our decisions solely on social issues. MANY republicans dont.
Hard core conservatives need to think that just finding the most right wing socially is the right one may end up biting them in the end. Crist is a traditional moderate. If the Republicans decided that they wanted Gallagher even though he comes off as bigoted and non-likeable, they would end up with a completely liberal as governor.
Think of the folks, regular americans, they dont want intrusion into their lives, personal or into their wallets. Politicians who best fit the folks get into office.
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